Batalia din Marea Egee

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Versiunea din 12 septembrie 2019 12:34, autor: Stil (discuție | contribuții)
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Ahoy căpitane! Navele inamice sunt la orizont! A început bătălia din Marea Egee!

Bătălia din Marea Egee este un nou eveniment pe Grepolis, lansat pentru a coincide cu sărbătorirea a zece ani de Grepolis. În acest nou eveniment, cercetașii tăi au descoperit grupuri de corăbii inamice care se adună la orizont. Sarcina ta este să cauți și să distrugi navele inamice, să-și păstreze forțele de țărmurile tale și să îți protejeze cetățenii! Dar, desigur, scufundarea navelor inamice va face plăcere zeilor, iar Ares vă va răsplăti cu câteva recompense unice, nemaivăzute până acum. Îi vei răspunde chemării și vei anihila dușmanii? Continuați să citiți pentru a afla mai multe!

Gata. Țintă. Foc!


La deschiderea ferestrei evenimentului, veți vedea o grilă de 5x5. Navele inamice se află înăuntru, în schimb, cercetașii nu au putut identifica locația lor exactă, așa că trebuie să le găsiți!


Faceți clic pe o zonă a grilei pentru a trage o salvă de muniție la coordonatele sale. Loviti sau ratati, veti avea în continuare un premiu! Dacă ați țintit corect, veți lovi un vas inamic! Unele sunt mai mici, ocupând un singur spațiu pe grilă, în timp ce altele sunt mai mari și necesită lovituri multiple pentru a fi scufundat complet. Fiecare lovitură pe care o luați costă 10 muniții. Puteți găsi muniție prin acțiuni obișnuite, cum ar fi atacarea, folosirea vrăjilor, tranzacționarea și construirea. Puteți găsi muniție de până la 10 ori în fiecare zi, dar dacă aveți nevoie de mai multe, puteți achiziționa unele în fereastra evenimentului cu monede de aur.


Fiecare recompensă obținută din grilă va fi adăugată automat într-un sistem temporar cunoscut sub numele de „Inventar de evenimente”. Acest spațiu de stocare are 6 spații și poate fi folosit pentru a stoca temporar recompense până când decideți să le depozitați, să le aruncați sau să le utilizați. Puteți face o fotografie doar dacă aveți cel puțin un spațiu în inventarul dvs. de evenimente.


Scufundă navele de luptă inamice!


Each shot taken will give you a reward, but you will also get additional rewards for successfully sinking a ship. These rewards are known as 'Sink rewards'. On the right hand side of the event window, you can see the list of ships, as well as the rewards you'll get for successfully sinking those ships. You have the choice to try and sink every single ship, or pick the ones you want the Sink rewards for, and save your ammunition for later. If you want, you can search for brand new enemies at the cost of ammunition. You can also search for new enemies for free if you completely clear the grid of enemy ships.


Each day during the event has a daily special reward. This reward will be a high value reward which appears one time per grid, and changes each day. The daily special reward can be obtained multiple times if you complete the grid and start a fresh one, or if you refresh the grid using ammunition.


Sail the seas

Each hit you take also gives a Map PieceFișier:Icon map currency.png. These Map Pieces can be used to navigate a treasure map on the left side of the event window. Once you reach the end of the trip, you'll unlock the coveted Grand Prize.


Using a Map Piece will move you between 1 and 3 spaces on the treasure map. At the top of the window, you can see the current Grand Prize, as well as the next 2 prizes after it. Once you reach the end of the map, the map resets, and you're given the opportunity to start on a new map, and earn a new Grand prize.


The Aegean Battleships event offers you the opportunity to bag yourself some exclusive new rewards:

Reward Image Description
Ares' Rage

Attacking units in this city are +1% more effective in combat.

This is an upgradable power, when you use this power your selected city will get 1 level of this power. The maximum level is 10. Each level increases the power's potency by 1%

This power is permanent

Icon bonus scout.png

If you find the Scout power in a shot, you can immediately choose 2 spots to see the prize and if there is a ship in the location.
Double Prize
Icon bonus double.png
If you find Double prize in a shot, the next spot you shoot will give you 2 of whatever prize you find.

This does not apply to Grand Prizes and Sink rewards.

If you don't have enough space for both rewards in your event inventory, the surplus will be added to your extended inventory.


Below you can find a full list of awards available for the Aegean Battleships event, and what you need to do to achieve these awards:

Hydra hunter

Sea Lord

Sink all ships in a single pool.

Awards battleships sunk all lvl4.png
Defeat 1 Hydra Defeat 3 Hydra Defeat 7 Hydra Defeat 15 Hydra
Awards battleships hydra lvl1.png
Awards battleships hydra lvl2.png
Awards battleships hydra lvl3.png
Awards battleships hydra lvl4.png

Trireme crusher

Defeat 1 Trireme Defeat 5 Trireme Defeat 10 Trireme Defeat 20 Trireme
Awards battleships trireme lvl1.png
Awards battleships trireme lvl2.png
Awards battleships trireme lvl3.png
Awards battleships trireme lvl4.png

Fire Seeker

Defeat 1 Lightship Defeat 5 Lightships Defeat 10 Lightships Defeat 25 Lightships
Awards battleships fireship lvl1.png
Awards battleships fireship lvl2.png
Awards battleships fireship lvl3.png
Awards battleships fireship lvl4.png

Bireme Smasher

Defeat 1 Bireme Defeat 5 Biremes Defeat 10 Biremes Defeat 25 Biremes
Awards battleships bireme lvl1.png
Awards battleships bireme lvl2.png
Awards battleships bireme lvl3.png
Awards battleships bireme lvl4.png

You shall not pass

Defeat 1 Transport ship Defeat 5 Transport ships Defeat 10 Transport ship Defeat 25 Transport ships
Awards battleships transport lvl1.png
Awards battleships transport lvl2.png
Awards battleships transport lvl3.png
Awards battleships transport lvl4.png

Sea Patrol

Defeat 1 Fast Transport ship Defeat 7 Fast Transport ships Defeat 15 Fast Transport ships Defeat 30 Fast Transport ships
Awards battleships transport fast lvl1.png
Awards battleships transport fast lvl2.png
Awards battleships transport fast lvl3.png
Awards battleships transport fast lvl4.png

Light Them Up

Defeat 1 Fire Ship Defeat 7 Fire Ships Defeat 15 Fire Ships Defeat 30 Fire Ships
Awards battleships brander lvl1.png
Awards battleships brander lvl2.png
Awards battleships brander lvl3.png
Awards battleships brander lvl4.png

Great navigator

Reached 1 Grand Prize Reached 5 Grand Prizes Reached 10 Grand Prizes Reached 15 Grand Prizes
Awards battleships grand prize lvl1.png
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Awards battleships grand prize lvl3.png
Awards battleships grand prize lvl4.png