Iarna 2015

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Winter2015 desktop.jpg

Perioada evenimentului

1 Decembrie- 31 Decembrie 2015


Ca în orice bun calendar advent, sunt "24 roţi de noroc" în timpul evenimentului. În fiecare zi, poţi deschide o nouă roată a norocului. După ce ai dat click pe o zi, roată norocului corespunzătoare apare în partea dreaptă a ferestrei. Fiecare roată conţine 6 recompense diferite şi un cristal de iarnă. Colectează 5 cristale de iarnă pentru a primi toţi cei 5 consilieri pentru o săptămâna, gratuit. O roată poate fi reumplută cu toate recompensele sale precedente, cheltuind monede de aur. După prima rotire a unei roţi, o decoraţie pentru bradul de Crăciun va fi deblocată. Deblocând decoraţiuni, ţi se va acorda medalia "Lucky Winter Fun"

Cum să deschizi Calendarul

Da click pe iconiţa evenimentului din colţul din dreapta jos că să deschizi calendarul.

Winter2015 icon.png

Cum să deschizi o zi

Imediat ce muţi mouse-ul peste scena ilustrată, bolduri se vor ivi pe neaşteptate peste tot în fereastra evenimentului, fiecare bold conţinând un număr( de la 1 la 24) Dacă dai click pe un bold, roată norocului pentru acea zi va deschide partea dreaptă, lângă brad. În ideea de a deschide o zi, se cere ca ziua respectivă să fie atinsă.

Ziua curentă

Boldul pentru ziua curentă e subliniat cu auriu.

Winter2015 current.png

Ziua trecută

Boldurile pentru ziua trecută care conţin cel puţin o recompensă apar cu albastru.

Winter2015 past.png

Magazin recompense

Nu trebuie să accepţi recompensa pe loc. O poţi "păstra" în roată până când se termină evenimentul.

Winter2015 collect.png


As soon as you make your first spin of the day, a new (and day-specific) decoration will be added to the scenery.

How to collect a reward

Initially, there is just one "spin" button in the middle of the wheel if you have a free spin.
Pressing this button will make a light spin over all available rewards (excluding the ones that had been already taken).
As the animation stops, the button in the middle will fade away and the reward you have won moves to the middle.
You can click the reward to either store it in the inventory, use it directly for the selected town, or throw it away. You can also leave it there for the duration of the event and pick it up later.


If you obtained all 6 rewards of one wheel, you can refill it the first time by spending 50 gold, after that the price will increase. You can also refill the wheel earlier (i.e. after you collected the most desired reward and you want to get it again). Keep in mind though, that the price of this function will increase with each use, although it will reset at midnight.

Winter Crystals

In the calendar screen, there is also the "winter crystal display", showing the progress until you unlock the free advisors. Additionally once you have collected all winter crystals you will be given the award “All the Crystals"

Winter2015 shard.png

Winter Crystal Collection

One reward of each day will also come along with a "winter crystal". If you receive that reward, you will also receive the winter crystal in the calendar screen, which will eventually unlock all five premium advisors for 7 days.
As soon as you have received the advisors, winter crystals will not be displayed in any wheel any longer. Also, the advisors will move from grey to colored once unlocked.
Using the refill-function will not replenish already collected winter crystals!

Costs of Additional Spins

The first spin of the current day is always free. Additional spins cost premium. If you missed the spin on a previous day, the first spin on that wheel will cost 100 gold as well.

Spin Featureicons02 2.08.png
1 100
2 200
3 300
4 400
5 500
6 600


The Christmas event is only available for a limited time, between December 1st and December 31st, 2015. The remaining time is always visible, displayed as a countdown at the top left corner of the event window counting down days, hours, minutes and seconds. After the time is up, it won't be possible to open the window any more. Keep in mind that you have to collect all remaining rewards that you might have stored in some wheels before the time is up. There is no way to collect these rewards afterwards.

Mobile App

The event will also be available in our mobile app. Check it out because there you can spin the wheel with just your finger!

Winter2015 mobile.jpg


During the Winter Event you can win two different award. The first is the "Lucky Winter Fun" award, which is awarded after you spin the wheel a certain number of times. The other award, "All the Crystals" is awarded for collecting all of the crystals.

Lucky Winter Fun

1 Spin 5 Spins 10 Spins 24 Spins
Winter2015 lvl1.png Winter2015 lvl2.png Winter2015 lvl3.png Winter2015 lvl4.png

All the Crystals

Winter2015 collector.png