Roata norocului a lui Tyche: Diferență între versiuni

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Linia 1: Linia 1:
Tyche o face să se întoarcă în acest sezon festiv, dar cu o întorsătură! Bine ați venit la Roata Norocului a lui Tyche!
Tyche makes her return, but with a twist! Welcome to Tyche's Wheel of Fortune!

==Ce este Roata norocului a lui Tyche?==
==What is Tyche's Wheel of Fortune?==
Roata Norocului este un eveniment care vă oferă un mod unic de a câștiga premii fantastice. Evenimentul înlocuiește [[Calendarul de Advent al lui Tyche]]. În acest nou eveniment, zeii au zâmbit la festivitățile din orașul tău și, ca recompensă, Tyche a sosit în orașul tău pentru a învârti roata norocului. Totuși, Tyche nu a venit singură! Ea aduce cu ea cei mai mari ilustratori din toată Grecia, care vor picta o pânză magnifică pentru a imortaliza festivitățile orașului tău.
The Wheel of Fortune is an event, which offers you a unique way to win fantastic prizes. The event replaces [[Tyche's Advent Calendar]]. In this new event, the gods have smiled down on your festivities within your city, and as a reward, Tyche has arrived in your city to spin her wheel of fortune. Tyche hasn't come alone, though! She brings with her the greatest illustrators from all across Greece, who will paint a magnificent canvas to immortalize your city's festivities.

==Cum se joacă?==
==How do I play?==
Pentru a începe, faceți clic pe Tyche, din colțul de jos al ecranului:
To begin, click on Tyche in the bottom corner of the screen:


Se va deschide Roata Norocului! Roata are multe puteri speciale disponibile pentru a le descoperi, râvnita Specialitate a zilei fiind cea mai unică și valoroasă. Desigur, Specialitatea zilei este schimbată în fiecare zi, deci asigurați-vă că o aveți, înainte să dispară!
This will open the Wheel of Fortune! The wheel has many special powers available for you to uncover, with the coveted Daily Special being the most unique and valuable. Of course, the Daily Special changes each day, so make sure you snag it before it's gone!

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
!|'''Specialitatea zilei'''
!|'''Daily Special'''
!|'''Inventar Eveniment'''
!|'''Event Inventory'''
Linia 20: Linia 20:

Puteți învârti roata, făcând clic pe butonul „Rotire”, din mijloc. Fiecare învârtire a roții costă 10 monede Tyche.[[File:SpinResetWoF.png|center|link=]]
You can spin the wheel by clicking on the 'Spin' button in the middle. Each spin of the wheel costs 10 Tyche coins.

Puteți face clic pe [[File:InfoButtonWoF.png|link=]] în stânga pentru a vedea ce premii sunt disponibile pe roată. Dacă verificați premiile disponibile și nu vedeți nimic din ceea ce doriți, puteți reseta roata dând clic pe „Resetare” pentru 15 monede Tyche. Resetarea roții șterge premiile de pe roată și le înlocuiește cu un lot complet nou de premii, de asemenea, învârte roata, astfel încât veți obține un nou set de premii, precum și o victorie pentru cele 15 monede. De asemenea, roata se resetează automat în fiecare zi, înlocuind toate premiile.
You can click on the [[File:InfoButtonWoF.png|link=]] on the left to see what prizes are available on the wheel. If you check the available prizes, and don't see anything you want, you can also reset the wheel by clicking 'Reset' for 15 Tyche Coins. Resetting the wheel clears the prizes from the wheel, and replaced them with a whole new batch of prizes, and also spins the wheel, so you'll get a fresh set of prizes, as well as one win for your 15 coins. The wheel also resets automatically each day, replacing all the prizes.
După ce câștigi un premiu pe roată, acesta va fi mutat în inventarul evenimentului. Acesta este un depozit temporar cu spațiu pentru 8 premii. Odată plin, nu veți mai putea învârti roata până când nu utilizați, stocați sau ștergeți unele dintre premiile din inventarul dvs. de evenimente.
Once you win a prize on the wheel, it will be moved into your Event Inventory. This is a temporary storage with enough room for 8 prizes. Once full, you won't be able to spin the wheel until you either use, store, or delete some of the prizes in your event inventory.


Cu fiecare învârtire a roții, ilustratorii dvs. vor fi inspirați și vor completa o altă secțiune a pânzei pentru marele premiu. Bara de sus arată progresul dvs. către finalizarea acestei opere de artă și, odată realizată, vă va răsplăti cu Marele Premiu! Ilustratorii dvs. vor înfășura apoi pânza și o vor trimite în călătoria ei, pe măsură ce încep să lucreze pe o pânză nouă!
With each spin of the wheel, your illustrators will be inspired, and complete another section of the grand prize canvas. The bar below the canvas shows your current progress towards completing this work of art, and once done, will reward you with the Grand Prize! Your illustrators will then rollup the canvas, and send it on it's journey overseas, as they start work on a new canvas!  


Și încă un lucru va apărea la fiecare rotire! De fiecare dată când participi la roată, zeii te vor recompensa cu Mana Divină. Umpleți bara pentru a activa puterea dublă a premiului. Când este activă, următoarea rotire a roții va plăti dublu!
And one more thing will occur with every spin! Each time you participate in the wheel, the gods will reward you with Divine Mana. Fill the Divine Mana bar up to activate the double prize power. When active, your next spin of the wheel will pay out double!

==Cum obțin monedele lui Tyche?==
==How do I get Tyche Coins?==
La fel ca alte evenimente, puteți obține mai multe monede Tyche din acțiuni finalizate în orașul dvs., cum ar fi începerea comenzilor de construcție sau a unităților. De asemenea, puteți cumpăra mai multe monede Tyche contra monedelor de aur!
Much like other events, you can get more Tyche coins from completing actions in your city such as starting building or unit orders. You can also purchase more Tyche Coins for Gold!


==Ce pot câștiga?==
==What can I win?==
În afară de o mulțime de premii minunate pe roată, există câteva premii interesante și unice disponibile! În primul rând, fii atent la Strategia de Luptă Divină! Această vrajă, după cum știți, mărește punctele de luptă pe care le puteți câștiga. Veți găsi, de asemenea, recompense excelente, cum ar fi vrăji de întărire a unității pentru unitățile dvs. preferate, cum ar fi Manticorele!
Aside from lots of awesome prizes on the wheel itself, there are some exciting and unique prizes available! Firstly, keep your eyes out for Divine Battle Strategy! This spell as you know increases the battle points you can earn. You'll also find great rewards like unit reinforcement spells for your favorite units, like Manticores!

Dar, desigur, un nou eveniment, nu ar fi complet fără o recompensă nouă, iar cu aceasta vă prezentăm Altarul Soteria!
But of course, a new event wouldn't be complete without a brand new reward, and with this we present you Soteria's Shrine!

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
!|'''Altarul Soteria'''
!|'''Soteria's Shrine'''
''Puterea canalelor sanctuare prin Trupele tale!!''
''The power of the shrine channels through your troops!''

'''Unitățile de apărare din acest oraș sunt cu 0,7% mai eficiente pentru fiecare nivel al acestei puteri.'''
'''Defending units in this city are 0.7% more effective per level of this power.'''
'''Aceasta este o putere actualizabilă, atunci când o utilizați, orașul selectat va obține un nivel din această putere. Nivelul maxim este de 10.'''
'''This is an upgradable power, when you use it your selected city will get 1 level of this power. The maximum level is 10.'''

''Această putere este permanentă.*''
''This power is permanent.*''
==Event pass==
[[File:Event Pass..png|thumb]]
The event pass is an additional event that comes with an already establish event such as the Tyche's wheel of fortune. It has two lanes, one free with your beloved Grand Prizes and a paid lane with additional Divine Prizes.
You will also have a good overview to see all upcoming prizes in advance, so you can easily plan ahead.
To make the rewards even more perfect, you will have the option at some milestones to choose your prize out of a selection! If you activate the Divine Prizes you get an additional Divine Prize for each Grand Prize you unlocked.
That's not all: You don't need anymore to use a prize directly to continue in the event! You can decide now when to use your rewards freely during the whole event duration.
At the top of the page you will see this, this shows your progression until you reach the next milestone.
[[File:Event Pass progression.png|thumb]]
If several prizes are offered, you can choose one of them. This allows you to adapt your rewards to your game situation

În afară de aceasta, puteți câștiga și medalii exclusive pentru profilul dvs., pentru a vă arăta munca grea!
Aside from this, you can also win exclusive awards for your profile, to show off your hard work!

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
| colspan="4" align="center" |  
| colspan="4" align="center" |  
'''Nu lăsa nicio șansă'''
'''Leave No Chance'''
| colspan="4" align="center" |
| colspan="4" align="center" |
Ați câștigat toate recompensele pe o roată într-o singură zi.
You have won all rewards on a wheel in a single day.
| colspan="4" align="center" |
| colspan="4" align="center" |
Linia 73: Linia 86:
| colspan="4" align="center" |  
| colspan="4" align="center" |  
'''Controlul norocului'''
'''Fortune Control'''
| colspan="4" align="center" |
| colspan="4" align="center" |
Ați schimbat roata norocului de două ori într-o singură zi.
You have changed the fortune of the wheel twice in one day.
| colspan="4" align="center" |
| colspan="4" align="center" |
Linia 82: Linia 95:
| colspan="4" align="center" |
| colspan="4" align="center" |
'''Provocarea lui Tyche'''
'''Tyche's Challenger'''
!|Învârte  roata norocului de 80 de ori
!|Spin the wheel of fortune 80 times
!|Învârte  roata norocului de 120 de ori
!|Spin the wheel of fortune 120 times
!|Învârte  roata norocului de 170 de ori
!|Spin the wheel of fortune 170 times
!|Învârte  roata norocului de 250 de ori
!|Spin the wheel of fortune 250 times
Linia 95: Linia 108:
| colspan="4" align="center" |  
| colspan="4" align="center" |  
'''Norocul nemuritorilor'''
'''Fortune of Immortals'''
!|Câștigă 5 Speciala Zilei
!|Win 5 Daily Specials
!|Câștigă 10 Speciala Zilei
!|Win 10 Daily Specials
!|Câștigă 17 Speciala Zilei
!|Win 17 Daily Specials
!|Câștigă 25 Speciala Zilei
!|Win 25 Daily Specials
Linia 108: Linia 121:
| colspan="4" align="center" |  
| colspan="4" align="center" |  
'''Muza festivă'''
'''Festive Muse'''
!|Completează 5 pânze
!|Complete 5 paintings
!|Completează 10 pânze
!|Complete 10 paintings
!|Completează  15 pânze
!|Complete 15 paintings
!|Completează 20 pânze
!|Complete 20 paintings

Versiunea de la data 5 septembrie 2024 13:19

WOF logo new2.png

Tyche makes her return, but with a twist! Welcome to Tyche's Wheel of Fortune!

What is Tyche's Wheel of Fortune?

The Wheel of Fortune is an event, which offers you a unique way to win fantastic prizes. The event replaces Tyche's Advent Calendar. In this new event, the gods have smiled down on your festivities within your city, and as a reward, Tyche has arrived in your city to spin her wheel of fortune. Tyche hasn't come alone, though! She brings with her the greatest illustrators from all across Greece, who will paint a magnificent canvas to immortalize your city's festivities.

How do I play?

To begin, click on Tyche in the bottom corner of the screen:

WoT event icon.png

This will open the Wheel of Fortune! The wheel has many special powers available for you to uncover, with the coveted Daily Special being the most unique and valuable. Of course, the Daily Special changes each day, so make sure you snag it before it's gone!

Daily Special Event Inventory



You can spin the wheel by clicking on the 'Spin' button in the middle. Each spin of the wheel costs 10 Tyche coins.


You can click on the InfoButtonWoF.png on the left to see what prizes are available on the wheel. If you check the available prizes, and don't see anything you want, you can also reset the wheel by clicking 'Reset' for 15 Tyche Coins. Resetting the wheel clears the prizes from the wheel, and replaced them with a whole new batch of prizes, and also spins the wheel, so you'll get a fresh set of prizes, as well as one win for your 15 coins. The wheel also resets automatically each day, replacing all the prizes.

Once you win a prize on the wheel, it will be moved into your Event Inventory. This is a temporary storage with enough room for 8 prizes. Once full, you won't be able to spin the wheel until you either use, store, or delete some of the prizes in your event inventory.


With each spin of the wheel, your illustrators will be inspired, and complete another section of the grand prize canvas. The bar below the canvas shows your current progress towards completing this work of art, and once done, will reward you with the Grand Prize! Your illustrators will then rollup the canvas, and send it on it's journey overseas, as they start work on a new canvas!


And one more thing will occur with every spin! Each time you participate in the wheel, the gods will reward you with Divine Mana. Fill the Divine Mana bar up to activate the double prize power. When active, your next spin of the wheel will pay out double!

How do I get Tyche Coins?

Much like other events, you can get more Tyche coins from completing actions in your city such as starting building or unit orders. You can also purchase more Tyche Coins for Gold!


What can I win?

Aside from lots of awesome prizes on the wheel itself, there are some exciting and unique prizes available! Firstly, keep your eyes out for Divine Battle Strategy! This spell as you know increases the battle points you can earn. You'll also find great rewards like unit reinforcement spells for your favorite units, like Manticores!

But of course, a new event wouldn't be complete without a brand new reward, and with this we present you Soteria's Shrine!

Soteria's Shrine

The power of the shrine channels through your troops!

Defending units in this city are 0.7% more effective per level of this power. This is an upgradable power, when you use it your selected city will get 1 level of this power. The maximum level is 10.

This power is permanent.*

Event pass

Event Pass..png

The event pass is an additional event that comes with an already establish event such as the Tyche's wheel of fortune. It has two lanes, one free with your beloved Grand Prizes and a paid lane with additional Divine Prizes. You will also have a good overview to see all upcoming prizes in advance, so you can easily plan ahead. To make the rewards even more perfect, you will have the option at some milestones to choose your prize out of a selection! If you activate the Divine Prizes you get an additional Divine Prize for each Grand Prize you unlocked. That's not all: You don't need anymore to use a prize directly to continue in the event! You can decide now when to use your rewards freely during the whole event duration.

At the top of the page you will see this, this shows your progression until you reach the next milestone.

Event Pass progression.png

If several prizes are offered, you can choose one of them. This allows you to adapt your rewards to your game situation


Aside from this, you can also win exclusive awards for your profile, to show off your hard work!

Leave No Chance

You have won all rewards on a wheel in a single day.

WoFleave no chance.png

Fortune Control

You have changed the fortune of the wheel twice in one day.

WoF fortune control.png

Tyche's Challenger

Spin the wheel of fortune 80 times Spin the wheel of fortune 120 times Spin the wheel of fortune 170 times Spin the wheel of fortune 250 times
WoF tyches challenger1.png
WoF tyches challenger2.png
WoF tyches challenger3.png
WoF tyches challenger4.png

Fortune of Immortals

Win 5 Daily Specials Win 10 Daily Specials Win 17 Daily Specials Win 25 Daily Specials
WoF fortune of immortals1.png
WoF fortune of immortals2.png
WoF fortune of immortals3.png
WoF fortune of immortals4.png

Festive Muse

Complete 5 paintings Complete 10 paintings Complete 15 paintings Complete 20 paintings
WoF festive muse1.png
WoF festive muse2.png
WoF festive muse3.png
WoF festive muse4.png