Format:Spoiler: Diferență între versiuni

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Linia 1: Linia 1:
{|style="border-collapse:collapse;" class="collapsible collapsed"
!width="{{{width}}}" style="background:{{{bckg1|#D0F0F0}}}; border:{{{bord1|1px solid #C0C0FF}}}; color:{{{color1|black}}};"|{{{title|Spoiler}}}
|style="background:{{{bckg2|#C0C0C0}}}; border:{{{bord2|1px solid #B0B0B0}}}; color:{{{color2|black}}}; text-align:center"|{{{text|no text}}}
Spoilers use JavaScript code and if you wanna that its work in your wiki - you must copy text from [[Mediawiki:Common.js]] to analog of this page in your wiki. On this page describing JavaScript code, which you can use at all pages of your wiki...
{|class="collapsible collapsed"
!Spoiler, realized on <nowiki><table class="collapsible"></nowiki>&nbsp;
|<nowiki>{|class="collapsible collapsed"</nowiki><br/>
<nowiki>!Spoiler name</nowiki><br/>
<nowiki>|text under spoiler</nowiki><br/>
<div class="NavFrame collapsed">
  <div class="NavHead">'''Spoiler, realized on <nowiki><div class="NavFrame"></nowiki>'''</div>
  <div class="NavContent">
<nowiki><div class="NavFrame collapsed"></nowiki><br/>
<nowiki><div class="NavHead"> Spoiler name </div></nowiki><br/>
<nowiki><div class="NavContent"> text under spoiler </div></nowiki><br/>
<div style="margin:20px 0px 20px 0px; padding:15px 15px 15px 15px; background:#d0d0ff;">
In order that would implement a template to a page write {{spoiler |}} x , x must be put in place certain parameters. The parameters are:
*'''title''' - Title of the spoiler
*'''text''' - Text under the spoiler
*'''bckg1''' - Colour of the title
*'''bckg2''' - Colour of the background under the title
*'''bord1''' - Description of the boundaries of the title.
*'''bord2''' - Description of the window under the spoiler.
*'''width''' - The width of the spoiler.

<nowiki>{{Spoiler| title=My spoiler| text=text under spoiler| bckg1=black| bckg2=white| color1=white| color2=blue| bord1=1px #CCFF00 solid| bord2=1px black solid| width=300px}}</nowiki>
{{Spoiler|title=My spoiler|text=text under spoiler|bckg1=black|bckg2=white|color1=white|color2=blue|bord1=1px #CCFF00 solid|bord2=1px black solid|width=300px}}
Spoiler-in-spoiler construction may be used, but with some bugs... for example:
{{spoiler|title=1 spoiler|text=spoiler-in-spoiler{{spoiler|title=2 spoiler|text=looks like good}}but it's crashing, if first element of '''text''' parametr is spoiler again. At first you must print some words or may be picture, and after that spoiler. Bug example:{{spoiler|title=spoiler with bug|text={{spoiler|text=something evil was happened :D}} }} }}
Much love to our Russian wiki friends for this new toy to play with :)
{{Spoiler|title=title of spoiler|text=text of spoiler|bckg1=Background of title|bckg2=Background of text|color1=Text colour of title|color2=Text colour of text|bord1=Border Top; Pixels, Color, Solid|bord2=Border Bottom|width=width of spoiler}}

Versiunea curentă din 30 decembrie 2016 07:16

Spoilers use JavaScript code and if you wanna that its work in your wiki - you must copy text from Mediawiki:Common.js to analog of this page in your wiki. On this page describing JavaScript code, which you can use at all pages of your wiki...


In order that would implement a template to a page write

x , x must be put in place certain parameters. The parameters are:
  • title - Title of the spoiler
  • text - Text under the spoiler
  • bckg1 - Colour of the title
  • bckg2 - Colour of the background under the title
  • bord1 - Description of the boundaries of the title.
  • bord2 - Description of the window under the spoiler.
  • width - The width of the spoiler.


{{Spoiler| title=My spoiler| text=text under spoiler| bckg1=black| bckg2=white| color1=white| color2=blue| bord1=1px #CCFF00 solid| bord2=1px black solid| width=300px}}

Spoiler-in-spoiler construction may be used, but with some bugs... for example:


Much love to our Russian wiki friends for this new toy to play with :)

SYNTAX: {{Spoiler|title=title of spoiler|text=text of spoiler|bckg1=Background of title|bckg2=Background of text|color1=Text colour of title|color2=Text colour of text|bord1=Border Top; Pixels, Color, Solid|bord2=Border Bottom|width=width of spoiler}}