Grepolis App

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Ios app icon.png

Aplicatia Grepolis vă oferă o modalitate convenabilă de a juca Grepolis de pe dispozitivul dvs. mobil și oferă acces complet la toate caracteristicile jocului care sunt necesare pentru a menține contul dvs. de joc. Această pagină wiki vă va ajuta în utilizarea aplicației prin definirea interfeței cu utilizatorul aplicații și afișarea, de asemenea arata diferențele mici între aplicația și versiunea browser a jocului.


iOS (iPhone, iPad)

App apple store.png

Caracteristicile de bază

  • Managementul rapid și ușor al contului
  • Accesibilitate completa
  • notificări
  • Gesturi simple

Înregistrare și conectare

Dacă sunteți un jucator nou, puteți alege sa jucati jocul direct , fără a va înregistra cu un cont. Această opțiune va genera automat un cont invitat (Guest) pentru tine. În scopul de a salva progresul joc, va trebui la un moment să fie înregistreze contul dvs. Acest lucru va fi declanșat ca o parte specială a tutorialului. Respectivul tutorial vă va cere să alegeți un nume pentru a înregistra contul dvs.

App direct play 1.PNG App direct play 2.PNG

Dacă ați jucat versiunea de browser înainte, puteți utiliza autentificare pe acel cont existent. De asemenea, vă puteți înregistra, un cont nou, utilizând ecranul de înregistrare al aplicației.

App login.PNG App register.PNG


Meniul de sus

Meniul de sus este prezentat în întreaga aplicație, indiferent de ecranul utilizați în respectivul moment (de exemplu, insula, sau prezentarea generală a orașului).

App top menu.png

Acest meniu afișează resursele curente (lemn, piatră, monede de argint, populația disponibilă și aur), pozitia curenta, orasul tau selectat în prezent, Zeul venerat in respectivul oras, numarul de favoruri și evenimente importante, cum ar fi un atac. Iconita de atac se va aprinde numai în cazul în care există un atac pe unul din orașele dvs.


Gest Actiune Rezultat

App tap.png

1. Apăsați pe iconita clasament

2. Apăsați pe imaginea Zeului
3. Apăsați pe numele orasului
4. Apăsați pe sageata stanga sau dreapta langa numele orasului.

1. Deschide pagina de clasament

2. Deschide meniul vraji
3. Deschide lista orașelor
4. Schimbă la orașul anterioar sau următor din listă

Apăsare Dubla

App double tap.png

Atingeți de două ori un oraș de pe harta. Găsiti orașul pe care le-ați atins pe harta.
Apăsați și Mutati

App flick.png

Apasati si mutati pe numele orasului Schimbati orasul anterior sau orasul urmator din lista

City List

Tapping the city frame will open the city list screen. Here you will have a list of all your cities and their points. By tapping a city name you will directly be taken to the corresponding city overview. There is a difference between the basic city list and the city list with an activated administrator. When you have the administrator activated the city list has more detailed information for each of your cities additionally displaying available resources and current activities such as ongoing construction or recruitment.

App city list.pngApp city list premium.png

Tapping an arrow next to a city name will take you directly to that city overview, unless you are on the map, then it will center your view on selected city instead.


Tapping the ranking icon will open the ranking list. You can browse through the following types of rankings: player, players ocean, alliances, ocean alliances, attacker, defender, fighters, attackers alliances, defenders alliances, fighters alliances, and world wonders.

App ranking.png

Cast Spells

Tapping the god icon will open the spell window. You can directly cast selected spell on your currently selected city from here.

App cast spell.png

Main Menu

The main menu is shown across the whole application and has a slide function. It features the following buttons:

  • Map/City
  • Messages
  • Reports
  • Adviser
  • Alliance
  • Premium
  • Alliance Forum
  • Profile
  • Settings
  • Logout

App main menu.png

Touch Gestures

Gesture Action Result

App flick.png

Flick the main menu to the left or right Slides to the previous or next menu buttons

App tap.png

1. Tap on a button (item) in the main menu

2. Tap on an arrow at the left or right of the main menu

1. Opens the corresponding screen

2. Slides to the previous or next menu buttons

Ring Menu

The ring menu will pop up whenever you tap an eligible element on the map. Depending on the object all possible interactions are shown in form of the ring menu. In this example we have selected an enemy city and can now choose to attack or support this city, trade or put a spell on it, or send a spy.

App ring menu.png

Activity Frame

The left frame is the so called activity frame. Tapping the corresponding icon will open the frame. This frame provides information on current activities regarding selected city: ongoing recruitment, troop movements, trades, and active spells. Tapping any of the symbols will instantly take you to the corresponding overview.

App activity frame.png

Notification Frame

The right frame is the notification frame. Tapping the corresponding icon will open the frame. This frame shows the most recent notifications. Tapping any of the notifications will instantly take you to the corresponding message or report.

App notification frame.png

The Map

The map screen is one of the most important features of the app because it is used for your main navigation. It provides a clear overview about islands including all kinds of cities, farming villages, free slots, world wonders, and other information that is interesting for players. Seamless zooming combines the island overview as well as the world overview from the browser version in only one feature. This means that there is no separation between island and world maps anymore. You can seamlessly switch between the mini map (or strategic world overview) by simply using the zoom out and zoom in gesture as indicated here:

App map navigation.png

The City

The city overview is similar to the browser version. You can interact with all buildings available in your city by tapping them. To increase usability of this view you can zoom in and out and also move your city to access your points of interest just like the navigation on the map.

App city overview.pngApp city navigation.png


The construction menu available through the senate has a different layout compared to the browser version. Greyed out buildings have not yet been constructed and each building has an indicator of its current level. You can also see current constructions. In our example the farm is currently being upgraded from level 12 to 13 which is shown by the progress bar and the indicator "12>13". At the top of this window you can directly slide right to the construction queue to view the current construction progress in your city.

App senate.pngApp construction.pngApp construction queue.png


The recruitment process in the barracks and harbor is also slightly different from the browser version. Each unit has an elaborate information screen and you can enter your desired amount of units to be recruited or simply use the slider at the bottom to determine the desired value. Current recruitments can also be followed by progress bars.

Fișier:App recruitment.pngApp recruitment queue.png


The research tabel of the academy is designed to provide information on each research as well as its availability. Here you can select to research any technology available and also check which technologies have already been researched in this city. At the top of this window you can directly slide right to the research queue to view the current research progress in your city.

App research.pngApp research queue.png


It is very easy to worship a god in your temple overview. At the top you can slide between the goods and use the button in the center of the screen to worship or change your god. The info button will display more detailed information about the corresponding god.

Fișier:App god.png

Tutorial and Quest System

The game's tutorial and quest system will also be fully accessible in the app, however, it is displayed somewhat different compared to the browser version of Grepolis. The first tutorial quests will automatically pop up when they are available. You can also choose to click the quest symbol in your interface to access the quest list. In this list all available quests are displayed also showing the current status (e.g. open or active). From here you can simply select a quest to access further information and actions regarding this specific quest. The tutorial is designed to guide your first steps in the game. You can complete the tutorial quests to get its features explained.

Fișier:App quest tutorial.pngApp quest overview.png


  • iPod touch 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPad, iPad 2, iPad mini, or iPad with Retina Display
  • iOS 4.3 or higher
  • Internet connection on your device