Scorul Grepolis

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Scurtă Descriere

Sistemul nostru de Medalii este denumit "Scorul Grepolis". În Scorul Grepolis puteți verifica ce medalii ați obținut și ce medalii mai aveți de obținut. Cum Grepolis înaintează în vârstă, am adăugat jocului o mulțime de noi medaii în ultimii ani, iar clasificarea lor în categorii, ne-am gândit că vă va fi de folos, pentru a avea o imagine de ansamblu mai bună în ceea ce privește medaliile deținute. Prin urmare, vom avea “Medalii Zilnice”, “Combat Awards”, “Empire Progression” și multe altele.

Cum puteți accesa Scorul Grepolis

Puteți accesa fereastra Scorului Grepolis, făcând clic pe butonul din interfața de utilizare, din colțul stânga sus, chiar deasupra timpului serverului.

Gscore access.png

Cum arată ecranul principal

În imaginea de mai jos, puteți vizualiza ecranul principal al "Scorului Grepolis", cu punctele globale în partea din mijloc -sus. În partea stângă, lângă punctele dvs., va fi afișată întotdeauna ultima medalie obținută. Mai jos, puteți vedea diferite categorii de medalii, cu numele și punctele obținute de dvs. pentru respectiva categorie. Dacă veți face clic pe categorie, veți intra într-un alt ecran unde puteți vedea o listă cu toate medaliile respectivei categorii..

Gscore main.png

Cea mai recentă medalie

În partea stângă - sus, veți putea vizualiza întotdeauna ultima medalie câștigată:

Gscore top left.png

Clicking the image will directly open the award category to which the award belongs. Always when you gain a new award you will be notified by a small icon in the bottom right of the UI. Clicking it will instantly open the Grepolisscore window and let you see the award progress and how many points you have earned with the new award.

Scor Grepolis Global

În mijloc, veți vedea punctele totale deținute în Scorul Grepolis. Toate punctele pentru toate lumile de joc vor fi adunate și afișate în ecranul principal, sub pictograma Scorului Grepolis. Prin apăsarea butonului mic "i", puteți vizualiza punctele obținute pe diferite lumi de joc.

Gscore top middle.png

Lângă valoarea punctului există un buton. Apăsându-l, vi se va permite copierea unui BB-code, pentru a afișa Scorul dvs. Grepolis și pentru alți jucători, prin mesaje sau postări pe forum.

În partea dreaptă sus, veți vizualiza un meniu ce vă va permite să navigați prin diferitele categorii de medalii. În mod implicit, vă aflați în "Prezentarea Generală" a caracteristicii Scorul Grepolis.

Gscore top right.png


Puteți naviga prin categoriile de medalii în două moduri diferite. Din prezentarea generală puteți face clic pe imaginea categoriei dorite, respectiv întreaga zonă (imagine, nume, puncte), în partea de jos a ecranului principal sau puteți alege categoria corespunzătoare, prin meniul drop-down din partea dreaptă - sus. Ambele vor schimba vizualizarea și afișarea medaliilor din categoria selectată. Dacă veți alege categoria "Medalii Zilnice", partea de jos a ecranului se va schimba cu aceasta:

Gscore daily awards.png

Aici puteți vedea ce medaii din această categorie ați obținut deja și ce medalii vă lipsesc încă. În partea dreaptă a fiecărei medalii, puteți vedea câte puncte pentru Scorul Grepolis ași câștigat cu această medalie și câte Puncte puteți câștiga maxim.

Cum să reveniți la Prezentarea Generală

Puteți reveni întotdeauna înapoi la Prezentare, făcând clic pe tabul "Prezentare Generală" din titlul ferestrei. Dar, mai există două opțiuni pentru a vă reîntoarce la prezentarea generală. Puteți face clic pe imaginea Scorului Grepolis în partea de sus - mijloc sau selectați meniul drop-down și selectați "Prezentare generală".

Categorii de Medalii

Toate medaliile sunt distribuite în următoarele categorii:

  • Distincții zilnice
  • Tactică
  • Luptă
  • Pregătirea militară
  • Progresul Impreiului
  • Top scoruri
  • Eroi
  • Nu se poate obține

Fiecare categorie are o imagine ce prezintă tema acesteia, un titlu și un număr de Puncte pentru Scorul Grepolis. Numărul vă arată cât de multe Puncte ați câștigat pentru Scorul Grepolis, doar în această categorie.

Gscore award category.png

Medaliile ce nu mai pot fi câștigate în joc, dar au putut fi obținute în trecut, sunt listate în categoria "Neobținut". În această categrie vom afișa poate medaliile legate de un eveniment, de exemplu.

Calculul Punctelor pentru Scorul Grepolis

Scorul Grepolis total este determinat de Scorul Grepolis obținut pe toate lumile de joc prin câștigarea de medalii.

Gscore world score.png

Medalii vechi și noi

  • Toate medalile vechi câștigate vă vor fi luate în considerare pentru scorul Grepolis.
  • Am implementat 86 de medalii noi pana acum si altele sunt în curs de implementare.
    • Noile medalii vă vor oferi o nouă provocare, pe care o puteti completa acum. Acest lucru înseamnă că nu vor fi alocate automat, deși ați atins deja obiectivele stabilite în trecut.
    • Doar medalile noi, care sunt conectate cu eroii, vor fi acordate în mod automat.
  • Câștigarea medalilor zilnice vă va aloca noi puncte in Scorul Grepolis..

Medalii Noi

Medalii noi în categoria: Pregătirea Militară

Titlu Descriere Nivel I Nivel II Nivel III Nivel IV
Atenție, Spadasini! Ați instrui x Spadasini. Train units sword1.png

Ați instruit 175 Spadasini.

Train units sword2.png

Ați instrui 1400 Spadasini.

Train units sword3.png

Ați instrui 4500 Spadasini.

Train units sword4.png

Ați instrui 8600 Spadasini.

Atenție, Prăștieri! Ați instrui x Prăștieri. Train units slinger1.png

Ați instrui 200 Prăștieri.

Train units slinger2.png

Ați instrui 2200 Prăștieri.

Train units slinger3.png

Ați instrui 7500 Prăștieri.

Train units slinger4.png

Ați instrui 15000 Prăștieri.

Atenție, Arcași! Ați instrui x Arcași. Train units archer1.png

Ați instrui 100 Arcași.

Train units archer2.png

Ați instrui 1100 Arcași.

Train units archer3.png

Ați instrui 4100 Arcași.

Train units archer4.png

You have built 8200 Arcași.

Atenție, Hopliți! Ați instrui x Hopliți. Train units hoplite1.png

Ați instrui 100 Hopliți.

Train units hoplite2.png

Ați instrui 1300 Hopliți.

Train units hoplite3.png

Ați instrui 4900 Hopliți.

Train units hoplite4.png

Ați instrui 11000 Hopliți.

Atenție, Călăreţi! Ați instrui x Călăreţi. Train units rider1.png

Ați instruit 16 Călăreţi.

Train units rider2.png

Ați instrui 240 Călăreţi.

Train units rider3.png

Ați instruit 1000 Călăreţi.

Train units rider4.png

Ați instrui 2000 Călăreţi.

Atenție, Care de luptă! Ați instrui x Care de luptă. Train units chariot1.png

Ați instrui 5 Care de luptă.

Train units chariot2.png

Ați instrui 120 Care de luptă.

Train units chariot3.png

Ați instrui 600 Care de luptă.

Train units chariot4.png

Ați instrui 1400 Care de luptă.

Atenție, Catapulte! Ați construit x Catapults. Train units catapult1.png

Ați construit 5 Catapults.

Train units catapult2.png

Ați construit 25 Catapults.

Train units catapult3.png

Ați construit 125 Catapults.

Train units catapult4.png

Ați construit 280 Catapults.

Corăbii de Transport, sus pânzele! Ați construit x Corăbii de Transport. Train units big transporter1.png

Ați construit 5 Corăbii de Transport.

Train units big transporter2.png

Ați construitt 75 Corăbii de Transport.

Train units big transporter3.png

Ați construit 240 Corăbii de Transport.

Train units big transporter4.png

Ați construit 430 Corăbii de Transports.

Bireme, sus pânzele! Ați construit x Bireme. Train units bireme1.png

Ați construit 10 Bireme.

Train units bireme2.png

Ați construit 350 Bireme.

Train units bireme3.png

Ați construit 1500 Bireme.

Train units bireme4.png

Ați construit 3200 Bireme.

Nave Ușoare, sus pânzele! Ați construit x Nave Ușoare. Train units attack ship1.png

Ați construit 10 Nave Ușoare.

Train units attack ship2.png

Ați construit 260 Nave Ușoare.

Train units attack ship3.png

Ați construit 1300 Nave Ușoare.

Train units attack ship4.png

Ați construit 3100 Nave Ușoare.

Nave Incendiatoare, sus pânzele! Ați construit x Nave Incendiatoare. Train units demolition ship1.png

Ați construit 5 Nave Incendiatoare.

Train units demolition ship2.png

Ați construitt 10 Nave Incendiatoare.

Train units demolition ship3.png

Ați construit 25 Nave Incendiatoare.

Train units demolition ship4.png

Ați construit 50 Fireships.

Nave rapide de transport, sus pânzele! Ați construit x Nave rapide de transport. Train units small transporter1.png

Ați construit 5 Nave rapide de transport.

Train units small transporter2.png

Ați construit 80 Nave rapide de transport.

Train units small transporter3.png

Ați construit 400 Nave rapide de transport.

Train units small transporter4.png

Ați construit 900 Nave rapide de transport.

Trireme, sus pânzele! Ați construit x Trireme. Train units trireme1.png

Ați construit 5 Trireme.

Train units trireme2.png

Ați construit 30 Trireme.

Train units trireme3.png

Ați construit 150 Trireme.

Train units trireme4.png

Ați construit 400 Trireme.

Minotaur, la dispoziția ta! Ați recrutat x Minotauri. Train units minotaur1.png

Ați recrutat 5 Minotauri.

Train units minotaur2.png

Ați recrutat 10 Minotauri.

Train units minotaur3.png

Ați recrutat 15 Minotauri.

Train units minotaur4.png

Ați recrutat 20 Minotauri.

Manticore, la dispoziția ta! Ați recrutat x Manticore. Train units manticore1.png

Ați recrutatt 5 Manticore.

Train units manticore2.png

Ați recrutat 10 Manticore.

Train units manticore3.png

Ați recrutat 45 Manticore.

Train units manticore4.png

Ați recrutat 100 Manticore.

Cyclop, la dispoziția ta! Ați recrutat x Cyclopi. Train units zyklop1.png

Ați recrutatt 5 Cyclopi.

Train units zyklop2.png

Ați recrutat 10 Cyclopi.

Train units zyklop3.png

Ați recrutat 15 Cyclopi.

Train units zyklop4.png

Ați recrutat 20 Cyclopi.

Hidra, la dispoziția ta! Ați recrutat x Hidre. Train units sea monster1.png

Ați recrutat 5 Hidre.

Train units sea monster2.png

Ați recrutat 10 Hidre.

Train units sea monster3.png

Ați recrutat 15 Hidre.

Train units sea monster4.png

Ați recrutat 20 Hidre.

Harpia, la dispoziția ta! Ați recrutat x Harpii. Train units harpy1.png

Ați recrutatt 5 Harpii.

Train units harpy2.png

Ați recrutat 30 Harpii.

Train units harpy3.png

Ați recrutat 115 Harpii.

Train units harpy4.png

Ați recrutat 235 Harpii.

Medusa, la dispoziția ta! Ați recrutat x Meduse. Train units medusa1.png

Ați recrutat 5 Meduse.

Train units medusa2.png

Ați recrutat 10 Meduse.

Train units medusa3.png

Ați recrutat 15 Meduse.

Train units medusa4.png

Ați recrutat 20 Meduse.

Centaur, la dispoziția ta! Ați recrutat x Centaurs. Train units centaur1.png

Ați recrutatt 5 Centauri.

Train units centaur2.png

Ați recrutat 10 Centauri.

Train units centaur3.png

Ați recrutatt 20 Centauri.

Train units centaur4.png

Ați recrutat 30 Centauri.

Pegasi, la dispoziția ta! Ați recrutat x Pegasi. Train units pegasus1.png

Ați recrutat 5 Pegasi.

Train units pegasus2.png

Ați recrutat 10 Pegasi.

Train units pegasus3.png

Ați recrutat 15 Pegasi.

Train units pegasus4.png

Ați recrutat 40 Pegasi.

Cerberi, la dispoziția ta! Ați recrutat x Cerberi. Train units cerberus1.png

Ați recrutat 5 Cerberi.

Train units cerberus2.png

Ați recrutat 10 Cerberi.

Train units cerberus3.png

Ați recrutat 15 Cerberi.

Train units cerberus4.png

Ați recrutat 25 Cerberi.

Furiile, la dispoziția ta! Ați recrutat x Furii. Train units fury1.png

Ați recrutat 5 Furii.

Train units fury2.png

Ați recrutat 10 Furii.

Train units fury3.png

Ați recrutat 15 Furii.

Train units fury4.png

Ați recrutat 25 Furii.

Trimi al Zeilor, la dispoziția ta! Ați recrutat x Divine Envoys. Train units godsent1.png

Ați recrutatt 80 Trimiși ai Zeilor.

Train units godsent2.png

Ați recrutat 315 Trimiși ai Zeilor.

Train units godsent3.png

Ați recrutat 620 Trimiși ai Zeilor.

Train units godsent4.png

Ați recrutat 910 Trimiși ai Zeilor.

Medalii noi în categoria: Luptă

Titlu Descriere Nivel I Nivel II Nivel III Nivel IV
Cranii de luptător cu spada Ați ucis x Luptători cu spada. Killed units sword1.png

Ați ucis 180 Luptători cu spada.

Killed units sword2.png

Ați ucis 6300 Luptători cu spada.

Killed units sword3.png

Ați ucis 32500 Luptători cu spada.

Killed units sword4.png

Ați ucis 49400 Luptători cu spada.

Cranii de Prăștiași Ați ucis x Prăștiași. Killed units slinger1.png

Ați ucis 180 Prăștiași.

Killed units slinger2.png

Ați ucis 3700 Prăștiași.

Killed units slinger3.png

Ați ucisd 13500 Prăștiași.

Killed units slinger4.png

Ați ucis 21700 Prăștiași.

Cranii de arcași Ați ucis x Arcași. Killed units archer1.png

Ați ucisd 120 Arcași.

Killed units archer2.png

Ați ucis 4250 Arcași.

Killed units archer3.png

Ați ucis 35700 Arcași.

Killed units archer4.png

Ați ucis 46000 Arcași.

Cranii de hopliți Ați ucis x Hopliți. Killed units hoplite1.png

Ați ucis 150 Hopliți.

Killed units hoplite2.png

Ați ucis 4900 Hopliți.

Killed units hoplite3.png

Ați ucis 24200 Hopliți.

Killed units hoplite4.png

Ați ucis 37900 Hopliți.

Cranii de călăreți Ați ucis x Călăreți. Killed units rider1.png

Ați ucis 10 Călăreți.

Killed units rider2.png

Ați ucis 520 Călăreți.

Killed units rider3.png

Ați ucis 2200 Călăreți.

Killed units rider4.png

Ați ucis 3800 Călăreți.

Cranii de conducători de care de luptă Ați ucis x Care de luptă. Killed units chariot1.png

Ați ucis 3 Care de luptă.

Killed units chariot2.png

Ați ucis 315 Care de luptă.

Killed units chariot3.png

Ați ucis 3800 Care de luptă.

Killed units chariot4.png

Ați ucis 4800 Care de luptă.

Cranii de operatori de catapultă Ați ucis x Catapulte. Killed units catapult1.png

Ați ucis 1 Catapulte.

Killed units catapult2.png

Ați ucis 25 Catapulte.

Killed units catapult3.png

Ați ucis 150 Catapulte.

Killed units catapult4.png

Ați ucis 300 Catapulte.

Navă de transport scufundate Ați distrus x Transport Boats. Killed units big transporter1.png

Ați distrus o Navă de transport.

Killed units big transporter2.png

Ați distrus 160 Nave de transport.

Killed units big transporter3.png

Ați distrus 700 Nave de transport.

Killed units big transporter4.png

Ați distrus 1100 Nave de transport.

Bireme scufundate Ați distrus x Bireme . Killed units bireme1.png

Ați distrus 2 Bireme .

Killed units bireme2.png

Ați distrus 1100 Bireme .

Killed units bireme3.png

Ați distrus 10000 Bireme .

Killed units bireme4.png

Ați distrus 16000 Bireme .

Nave ușoare scufundate Ați distrus x Light Ships. Killed units attack ship1.png

Ați distrus o Navă ușoară.

Killed units attack ship2.png

Ați distrus 250 Nave ușoare.

Killed units attack ship3.png

Ați distrus 1900 Nave ușoare.

Killed units attack ship4.png

Ați distrus 3000 Nave ușoare.

Nave incendiatoare scufundate Ați distrus x Fire Ships. Killed units demolition ship1.png

Ați distrus o Navă incendiatoare.

Killed units demolition ship2.png

Ați distrus 20 Nave incendiatoare.

Killed units demolition ship3.png

Ați distrus 115 Nave incendiatoare.

Killed units demolition ship4.png

Ați distrus 230 Nave incendiatoare.

Nave rapide de transport scufundate Ați distrus x Nave rapide de transport. Killed units small transporter1.png

Ați distrus o Navă rapidă de transport.

Killed units small transporter2.png

Ați distrus 110 Nave rapide de transport.

Killed units small transporter3.png

Ați distrus 1100 Nave rapide de transports.

Killed units small transporter4.png

Ați distrus 2000 Nave rapide de transport.

Trireme scufundate Ați distrus x Trireme . Killed units trireme1.png

Ați distrus o Triremă .

Killed units trireme2.png

Ați distrusd 60 Trireme .

Killed units trireme3.png

Ați distrus 660 Trireme .

Killed units trireme4.png

Ați distrus 900 Trireme .

Măcelar de minotauri Ați ucis x Minotauri. Killed units minotaur1.png

Ați ucis un Minotaur.

Killed units minotaur2.png

Ați ucis 3 Minotauri.

Killed units minotaur3.png

Ați ucis 8 Minotauri.

Killed units minotaur4.png

Ați ucis 15 Minotauri.

Măcelar de manticore Ați ucis x Manticore. Killed units manticore1.png

Ați ucis o Manticoră.

Killed units manticore2.png

Ați ucis 15 Manticore.

Killed units manticore3.png

Ați ucis 170 Manticore.

Killed units manticore4.png

Ați ucisd 210 Manticore.

Măcelar de ciclopi Ați ucis x Ciclopi. Killed units zyklop1.png

Ați ucis un Ciclop.

Killed units zyklop2.png

Ați ucis 2 Ciclopi.

Killed units zyklop3.png

Ați ucis 4 Ciclopi.

Killed units zyklop4.png

Ați ucis 8 Ciclopi.

Măcelar de hidre Ați ucis x Hidre. Killed units sea monster1.png

Ați ucis o Hidră.

Killed units sea monster2.png

Ați ucis 2 Hidre.

Killed units sea monster3.png

Ați ucis 24 Hidre.

Killed units sea monster4.png

Ați ucis 40 Hidre.

Măcelar de harpii Ați ucis x Haprii. Killed units harpy1.png

Ați ucis o Harpie.

Killed units harpy2.png

Ați ucis 45 Haprii.

Killed units harpy3.png

Ați ucis 270 Haprii.

Killed units harpy4.png

Ați ucis 380 Haprii.

Măcelar de meduze Ați ucis x Meduze. Killed units medusa1.png

Ați ucis o Meduză.

Killed units medusa2.png

Ați ucis 7 Meduze.

Killed units medusa3.png

Ați ucis 28 Meduze.

Killed units medusa4.png

Ați ucis 50 Meduze.

Măcelar de centauri Ați ucis x Centauri. Killed units centaur1.png

Ați ucis un Centaur.

Killed units centaur2.png

Ați ucis 5 Centauri.

Killed units centaur3.png

Ați ucis 22 Centauri.

Killed units centaur4.png

Ați ucis 45 Centauri.

Măcelar de pegași Ați ucis x Pegași. Killed units pegasus1.png

Ați ucis un Pegas.

Killed units pegasus2.png

Ați ucis 6 Pegași.

Killed units pegasus3.png

Ați ucis 56 Pegași.

Killed units pegasus4.png

Ați ucis 240 Pegași.

Măcelar de cerberi Ați ucis x Cerberi. Killed units cerberus1.png

Ați ucisd un Cerber.

Killed units cerberus2.png

Ați ucis 6 Cerberi.

Killed units cerberus3.png

Ați ucis 45 Cerberi.

Killed units cerberus4.png

Ați ucis 95 Cerberi.

Măcelar de erinii Ați ucis x Erinii. Killed units fury1.png

Ați ucis un Eren.

Killed units fury2.png

Ați ucis 5 Erinii.

Killed units fury3.png

Ați ucis 40 Erinii.

Killed units fury4.png

Ați ucis 90 Erinii.

Măcelar de trimiși ai zeilor Ați ucisd x Trimiși ai zeilor. Killed units godsent1.png

Ați ucis 10 Trimiși ai zeilor.

Killed units godsent2.png

Ați ucis 620 Trimiși ai zeilor.

Killed units godsent3.png

Ați ucis 1500 Trimiși ai zeilor.

Killed units godsent4.png

Ați ucis 2300 Trimiși ai zeilor.

Slingers' Sacrifice You have killed x Slingers while supporting another player's city. Deadslingers1 support.png

You have killed 30 Slingers.

Deadslingers2 support.png

You have killed 3060 Slingers.

Deadslingers3 support.png

You have killed 16260 Slingers.

Deadslingers4 support.png

You have killed 26750 Slingers.

Hoplites' Sacrifice You have killed x Hoplites while supporting another player's city. Deadhoplite1 support.png

You have killed 10 Hoplites.

Deadhoplite2 support.png

You have killed 1150 Hoplites.

Deadhoplite3 support.png

You have killed 5850 Hoplites.

Deadhoplite4 support.png

You have killed 9650 Hoplites.

Horsemen's Sacrifice You have killed x Horsemen while supporting another player's city. Deadcavalary1 support.png

You have killed 5 Horsemen.

Deadcavalary2 support.png

You have killed 400 Horsemen.

Deadcavalary3 support.png

You have killed 2300 Horsemen.

Deadcavalary4 support.png

You have killed 4600 Horsemen.

Charioteers' Sacrifice You have destroyed x Chariots while supporting another player's city. Deadchariot1 support.png

You have destroyed 1 Chariot.

Deadchariot2 support.png

You have destroyed 140 Chariots.

Deadchariot3 support.png

You have destroyed 860 Chariots.

Deadchariot4 support.png

You have destroyed 1570 Chariots.

Catapult Crews' Sacrifice You have destroyed x Catapults while supporting another player's city. Catapult1 support.png

You have destroyed 1 Catapult.

Catapult2 support.png

You have destroyed 55 Catapults.

Catapult3 support.png

You have destroyed 385 Catapults.

Catapult4 support.png

You have destroyed 840 Catapults.

Intercepted Transport Boats You have destroyed x Transport Boats while supporting another player's city. Deadfasttransport1 support.png

You have destroyed 5 Transport Boats.

Deadfasttransport2 support.png

You have destroyed 70 Transport Boats.

Deadfasttransport3 support.png

You have destroyed 300 Transport Boats.

Deadfasttransport4 support.png

You have destroyed 500 Transport Boats.

Intercepted Light Ships You have destroyed x Light Ships while supporting another player's city. Deadlightship1 support.png

You have destroyed 8 Light Ships.

Deadlightship2 support.png

You have destroyed 2650 Light Ships.

Deadlightship3 support.png

You have destroyed 27200 Light Ships.

Deadlightship4 support.png

You have destroyed 36700 Light Ships.

Intercepted Fast Transport Ships You have destroyed x Fast Transport Ships while supporting another player's city. Deadsmalltransport1 support.png

You have destroyed 1 Fast Transport Ship.

Deadsmalltransport2 support.png

You have destroyed 125 Fast Transport Ships.

Deadsmalltransport3 support.png

You have destroyed 1000 Fast Transport Ships.

Deadsmalltransport4 support.png

You have destroyed 1800 Fast Transport Ships.

Intercepted Triremes You have destroyed x Triremes while supporting another player's city. Deadtrireme1 support.png

You have destroyed 1 Trireme.

Deadtrireme2 support.png

You have destroyed 170 Triremes.

Deadtrireme3 support.png

You have destroyed 1550 Triremes.'

Deadtrireme4 support.png

You have destroyed 2300 Triremes.

Intercepted Colony Ships You have destroyed x Colony Ships while supporting another player's city. Deadcolony1 support.png

You have destroyed 1 Colony Ship.

Deadcolony2 support.png

You have destroyed 6 Colony Ships.

Deadcolony3 support.png

You have destroyed 12 Colony Ships.'

Deadcolony4 support.png

You have destroyed 18 Colony Ships.

Resisting the Minotaurs You have killed x Minotaurs while supporting another player's city. Deadminotaur1 support.png

You have killed 1 Minotaur.

Deadminotaur2 support.png

You have killed 2 Minotaurs.

Deadminotaur3 support.png

You have killed 5 Minotaurs.'

Deadminotaur4 support.png

You have killed 10 Minotaurs.

Resisting the Manticores You have killed x Manticores while supporting another player's city. Deadmanticore1 support.png

You have killed 1 Manticore.

Deadmanticore2 support.png

You have killed 110 Manticores.

Deadmanticore3 support.png

You have killed 1700 Manticores.

Deadmanticore4 support.png

You have killed 1800 Manticores.

Resisting the Hydras You have killed x Hydras while supporting another player's city. Deadhydra1 support.png

You have killed 1 Hydra.

Deadhydra2 support.png

You have killed 6 Hydras.

Deadhydra3 support.png

You have killed 100 Hydras.

Deadhydra4 support.png

You have killed 140 Hydras.

Resisting the Harpies You have killed x Harpies while supporting another player's city. Deadharpy1 support.png

You have killed 1 Harpy.

Deadharpy2 support.png

You have killed 50 Harpies.

Deadharpy3 support.png

You have killed 1600 Harpies.

Deadharpy4 support.png

You have killed 2000 Harpies.

Resisting the Medusae You have killed x Medusae while supporting another player's city. Deadmedusa1 support.png

You have killed 1 Medusa.

Deadmedusa2 support.png

You have killed 6 Medusae.

Deadmedusa3 support.png

You have killed 12 Medusae.

Deadmedusa4 support.png

You have killed 18 Medusae.

Resisting the Erinyes You have killed x Erinyes while supporting another player's city. Deadfury1 support.png

You have killed 1 Erinys.

Deadfury2 support.png

You have killed 5 Erinyes.

Deadfury3 support.png

You have killed 55 Erinyes.

Deadfury4 support.png

You have killed 115 Erinyes.

Resisting the Divine Envoys You have killed x Divine Envoys while supporting another player's city. Deadgodsent1 support.png

You have killed 1 Divine Envoys.

Deadgodsent2 support.png

You have killed 50 Divine Envoys.

Deadgodsent3 support.png

You have killed 160 Divine Envoys.

Deadgodsent4 support.png

You have killed 220 Divine Envoys.

Resisting the Cyclopes You have killed x Cyclopes while supporting another player's city. Deadcyclopes1 support.png

You have killed 1 Cyclops.

Deadcyclopes2 support.png

You have killed 2 Cyclopes.

Deadcyclopes3 support.png

You have killed 5 Cyclopes.

Deadcyclopes4 support.png

You have killed 10 Cyclopes.

Slingers' Despair You have killed x Slingers defending own city. Deadslingers1 def.png

You have killed 150 Slingers.

Deadslingers2 def.png

You have killed 16000 Slingers.

Deadslingers3 def.png

You have killed 84000 Slingers.

Deadslingers4 def.png

You have killed 138000 Slingers.

Hoplites' Despair You have killed x Hoplites defending own city. Deadhoplite1 def.png

You have killed 75 Hoplites.

Deadhoplite2 def.png

You have killed 6450 Hoplites.

Deadhoplite3 def.png

You have killed 32800 Hoplites.

Deadhoplite4 def.png

You have killed 54000 Hoplites.

Horsemen's Despair You have killed x Horsemen defending own city. Deadcavalary1 def.png

You have killed 15 Horsemen.

Deadcavalary2 def.png

You have killed 2000 Horsemen.

Deadcavalary3 def.png

You have killed 11600 Horsemen.

Deadcavalary4 def.png

You have killed 23500 Horsemen.

Charioteers' Despair You have killed x Chariots defending own city. Deadchariot1 def.png

You have killed 5 Chariots.

Deadchariot2 def.png

You have killed 700 Chariots.

Deadchariot3 def.png

You have killed 4500 Chariots.

Deadchariot4 def.png

You have killed 8200 Chariots.

Catapult Crews' Despair You have destroyed x Catapults defending own city. Catapult1 def.png

You have destroyed 1 Catapult.

Catapult2 def.png

You have destroyed 220 Catapults.

Catapult3 def.png

You have destroyed 1650 Catapults.

Catapult4 def.png

You have destroyed 3650 Catapults.

Stopping Transport Boats You have destroyed x Transport Boats defending own city. Deadfasttransport1 def.png

You have destroyed 10 Transport Boats.

Deadfasttransport2 def.png

You have destroyed 190 Transport Boats.

Deadfasttransport3 def.png

You have destroyed 830 Transport Boats.

Deadfasttransport4 def.png

You have destroyed 1350 Transport Boats.

Stopping Stopping Light Ships You have destroyed x Light Ships defending own city. Deadlightship1 def.png

You have destroyed 12 Light Ships.

Deadlightship2 def.png

You have destroyed 3600 Light Ships.

Deadlightship3 def.png

You have destroyed 36800 Light Ships.

Deadlightship4 def.png

You have destroyed 50000 Light Ships.

Stopping Fast Transport Ships You have destroyed x Fast Transport Ships defending own city. Deadsmalltransport1 def.png

You have destroyed 1 Fast Transport Ship.

Deadsmalltransport2 def.png

You have destroyed 250 Fast Transport Ships.

Deadsmalltransport3 def.png

You have destroyed 2000 Fast Transport Ships.

Deadsmalltransport4 def.png

You have destroyed 3600 Fast Transport Ships.

Stopping Triremes You have destroyed x Triremes defending own city. Deadtrireme1 def.png

You have destroyed 1 Trireme.

Deadtrireme2 def.png

You have destroyed 250 Triremes.

Deadtrireme3 def.png

You have destroyed 2350 Triremes.

Deadtrireme4 def.png

You have destroyed 3400 Triremes.

Stopping Colony Ships You have destroyed x Colony Ships defending own city. Deadcolony1 def.png

You have destroyed 1 Colony Ship.

Deadcolony2 def.png

You have destroyed 6 Colony Ships.

Deadcolony3 def.png

You have destroyed 18 Colony Ships.

Deadcolony4 def.png

You have destroyed 36 Colony Ships.

Deathtrap for Minotaurs You have killed x Minotaurs defending own city. Deadminotaur1 def.png

You have killed 1 Minotaur.

Deadminotaur2 def.png

You have killed 6 Minotaurs.

Deadminotaur3 def.png

You have killed 12 Minotaurs.

Deadminotaur4 def.png

You have killed 24 Minotaurs.

Deathtrap for Manticores You have killed x Manticores defending own city. Deadmanticore1 ref.png

You have killed 1 Manticore.

Deadmanticore2 ref.png

You have killed 210 Manticores.

Deadmanticore3 ref.png

You have killed 3400 Manticores.

Deadmanticore4 ref.png

You have killed 3600 Manticores.

Deathtrap for Hydras You have killed x Hydras defending own city. Deadhydra1 def.png

You have killed 1 Hydra.

Deadhydra2 def.png

You have killed 12 Hydras.

Deadhydra3 def.png

You have killed 190 Hydras.

Deadhydra4 def.png

You have killed 265 Hydras.

Deathtrap for Harpies You have killed x Harpies defending own city. Deadharpy1 def.png

You have killed 2 Harpies.

Deadharpy2 def.png

You have killed 335 Harpies.

Deadharpy3 def.png

You have killed 3600 Harpies.

Deadharpy4 def.png

You have killed 4600 Harpies.

Deathtrap for Medusae You have killed x Medusae defending own city. Deadmedusa1 def.png

You have killed 1 Medusa.

Deadmedusa2 def.png

You have killed 12 Medusae.

Deadmedusa3 def.png

You have killed 40 Medusae.

Deadmedusa4 def.png

You have killed 115 Medusae.

Deathtrap for Erinyes You have killed x Erinyes defending own city. Deadfury1 def.png

You have killed 1 Erinys.

Deadfury2 def.png

You have killed 18 Erinyes.

Deadfury3 def.png

You have killed 250 Erinyes.

Deadfury4 def.png

You have killed 530 Erinyes.

Deathtrap for Divine Envoys You have killed x Divine Envoys defending own city. Deadgodsent1 def.png

You have killed 5 Divine Envoys.

Deadgodsent2 def.png

You have killed 300 Divine Envoys.

Deadgodsent3 def.png

You have killed 1050 Divine Envoys.

Deadgodsent4 def.png

You have killed 1450 Divine Envoys.

Deathtrap for Cyclopes You have killed x Cyclopes Envoys defending own city. Deadcyclopes1 def.png

You have killed 1 Cyclops.

Deadcyclopes2 def.png

You have killed 6 Cyclopes.

Deadcyclopes3 def.png

You have killed 12 Cyclopes.

Deadcyclopes4 def.png

You have killed 18 Cyclopes.

Medalii noi în categoria: Eroi

Titlu Descriere Nivel I Nivel II Nivel III Nivel IV
Gather the Wise Men You have reached level 20 with 5 Heroes of Wisdom. Hero wise men1.png

You have reached level 20 with 5 Heroes of Wisdom.

Gather the Fellowship You have reached level 20 with 5 Heroes of War. Hero fellowship1.png

You have reached level 20 with 5 Heroes of War.

A rare Hero's Journey You have 2 exclusive Heroes at your service. Hero rare heroes1.png

You have 2 exclusive Heroes at your service.

Money, Money, Money! You have spent x Coins of War or Wisdom. Hero money1.png

You have spent 302 Coins of War or Wisdom.

Hero money2.png

You have spent 1202 Coins of War or Wisdom.

Hero money3.png

You have spent 1812 Coins of War or Wisdom.

Hero money4.png

You have spent 3021 Coins of War or Wisdom.

Andromeda’s Power You have reached level x with the hero Andromeda. Hero level andromeda1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Andromeda.

Hero level andromeda2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Andromeda.

Hero level andromeda3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Andromeda.

Hero level andromeda4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Andromeda.

Hector's Power You have reached level x with the hero Hector. Hero level hector1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Hector.

Hero level hector2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Hector.

Hero level hector3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Hector.

Hero level hector4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Hector.

Helen's Power You have reached level x with the hero Helen. Hero level helen1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Helen.

Hero level helen2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Helen.

Hero level helen3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Helen.

Hero level helen4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Helen.

Heracles' Power You have reached level x with the hero Heracles. Hero level hercules1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Heracles.

Hero level hercules2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Heracles.

Hero level hercules3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Heracles.

Hero level hercules4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Heracles.

Jason's Power You have reached level x with the hero Jason. Hero level iason1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Jason.

Hero level iason2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Jason.

Hero level iason3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Jason.

Hero level iason4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Jason.

Leonidas' Power You have reached level x with the hero Leonidas. Hero level leonidas1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Leonidas.

Hero level leonidas2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Leonidas.

Hero level leonidas3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Leonidas.

Hero level leonidas4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Leonidas.

Urephon's Power You have reached level x with the hero Urephon. Hero level urephon1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Urephon.

Hero level urephon2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Urephon.

Hero level urephon3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Urephon.

Hero level urephon4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Urephon.

Zuretha's Power You have reached level x with the hero Zuretha. Hero level zuretha1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Zuretha.

Hero level zuretha2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Zuretha.

Hero level zuretha3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Zuretha.

Hero level zuretha4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Zuretha.

Atalanta's Power You have reached level x with the hero blubb. Hero level atalanta1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Atalanta.

Hero level atalanta2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Atalanta.

Hero level atalanta3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Atalanta.

Hero level atalanta4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Atalanta.

Apheledes' Power You have reached level x with the hero Apheledes. Hero level apheledes1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Apheledes.

Hero level apheledes2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Apheledes.

Hero level apheledes3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Apheledes.

Hero level apheledes4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Apheledes.

Chiron's Power You have reached level x with the hero Chiron. Hero level cheiron1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Chiron.

Hero level cheiron2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Chiron.

Hero level cheiron3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Chiron.

Hero level cheiron4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Chiron.

Democritus' Power You have reached level x with the hero Democritus. Hero level democritus1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Democritus.

Hero level democritus2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Democritus.

Hero level democritus3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Democritus.

Hero level democritus4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Democritus.

Ferkyon's Power You have reached level x with the hero Ferkyon. Hero level ferkyon1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Ferkyon.

Hero level ferkyon2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Ferkyon.

Hero level ferkyon3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Ferkyon.

Hero level ferkyon4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Ferkyon.

Orpheus' Power You have reached level x with the hero Orpheus. Hero level odysseus1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Orpheus.

Hero level odysseus2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Orpheus.

Hero level odysseus3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Orpheus.

Hero level odysseus4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Orpheus.

Odysseus' Power You have reached level x with the hero Odysseus. Hero level orpheus1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Odysseus.

Hero level orpheus2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Odysseus.

Hero level orpheus3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Odysseus.

Hero level orpheus4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Odysseus.

Terylea's Power You have reached level x with the hero Terylea. Hero level terylea1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Terylea.

Hero level terylea2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Terylea.

Hero level terylea3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Terylea.

Hero level terylea4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Terylea.

Christopholus' Power You have reached level x with the hero Christopholus. Hero level christopholus1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Christopholus.

Hero level christopholus2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Christopholus.

Hero level christopholus3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Christopholus.

Hero level christopholus4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Christopholus.

Andromeda's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Andromeda x times. Killed units andromeda1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Andromeda 1 time.

Killed units andromeda2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Andromeda 10 times.

Killed units andromeda3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Andromeda 15 times.

Killed units andromeda4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Andromeda 25 times.

Hector's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Hector x times. Killed units hector1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Hector 1 time.

Killed units hector2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Hector 10 times.

Killed units hector3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Hector 15 times.

Killed units hector4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Hector 25 times.

Helen's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Helen x times. Killed units helen1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Helen 1 time.

Killed units helen2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Helen 10 times.

Killed units helen3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Helen 15 times.

Killed units helen4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Helen 25 times.

Heracles' Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Heracles x times. Killed units hercules1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Heracles 1 time.

Killed units hercules2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Heracles 10 times.

Killed units hercules3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Heracles 15 times.

Killed units hercules4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Heracles 25 times.

Jason's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Jason x times. Killed units iason1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Jason 1 time.

Killed units iason2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Jason 10 times.

Killed units iason3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Jason 15 times.

Killed units iason4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Jason 25 times.

Christopholus' Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Christopholus x times. Killed units christopholus1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Christopholus 1 time.

Killed units christopholus2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Christopholus 10 times.

Killed units christopholus3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Christopholus 15 times.

Killed units christopholus4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Christopholus 25 times.

Leonidas' Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Leonidas x times. Killed units leonidas1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Leonidas 1 time.

Killed units leonidas2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Leonidas 10 times.

Killed units leonidas3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Leonidas 15 times.

Killed units leonidas4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Leonidas 25 times.

Urephon's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Urephon x times. Killed units urephon1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Urephon 1 time.

Killed units urephon2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Urephon 10 times.

Killed units urephon3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Urephon 15 times.

Killed units urephon4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Urephon 25 times.

Zuretha's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Zuretha x times. Killed units zuretha1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Zuretha 1 time.

Killed units zuretha2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Zuretha 10 times.

Killed units zuretha3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Zuretha 15 times.

Killed units zuretha4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Zuretha 25 times.

Atalanta's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Atalanta x times. Killed units atalanta1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Atalanta 1 time.

Killed units atalanta2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Atalanta 10 times.

Killed units atalanta3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Atalanta 15 times.

Killed units atalanta4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Atalanta 25 times.

Apheledes' Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Apheledes x times. Killed units apheledes1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Apheledes 1 time.

Killed units apheledes2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Apheledes 10 times.

Killed units apheledes3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Apheledes 15 times.

Killed units apheledes4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Apheledes 25 times.

Chiron's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Chiron x times. Killed units cheiron1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Chiron 1 time.

Killed units cheiron2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Chiron 10 times.

Killed units cheiron3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Chiron 15 times.

Killed units cheiron4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Chiron 25 times.

Democritus' Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Democritus x times. Killed units democritus1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Democritus 1 time.

Killed units democritus2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Democritus 10 times.

Killed units democritus3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Democritus 15 times.

Killed units democritus4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Democritus 25 times.

Ferkyon's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Ferkyon x times. Killed units ferkyon1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Ferkyon 1 time.

Killed units ferkyon2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Ferkyon 10 times.

Killed units ferkyon3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Ferkyon 15 times.

Killed units ferkyon4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Ferkyon 25 times.

Odysseus' Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Odysseus x times. Killed units odysseus1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Odysseus 1 time.

Killed units odysseus2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Odysseus 10 times.

Killed units odysseus3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Odysseus 15 times.

Killed units odysseus4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Odysseus 25 times.

Orpheus' Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Orpheus x times. Killed units orpheus1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Orpheus 1 time.

Killed units orpheus2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Orpheus 10 times.

Killed units orpheus3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Orpheus 15 times.

Killed units orpheus4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Orpheus 25 times.

Terylea's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Terylea x times. Killed units terylea1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Terylea 1 time.

Killed units terylea2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Terylea 10 times.

Killed units terylea3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Terylea 15 times.

Killed units terylea4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Terylea 25 times.