Nivel I
Nivel II
Nivel III
Nivel IV
Gather the Wise Men
You have reached level 20 with 5 Heroes of Wisdom.
You have reached level 20 with 5 Heroes of Wisdom.
Gather the Fellowship
You have reached level 20 with 5 Heroes of War.
You have reached level 20 with 5 Heroes of War.
A rare Hero's Journey
You have 2 exclusive Heroes at your service.
You have 2 exclusive Heroes at your service.
Money, Money, Money!
You have spent x Coins of War or Wisdom.
You have spent 302 Coins of War or Wisdom.
You have spent 1202 Coins of War or Wisdom.
You have spent 1812 Coins of War or Wisdom.
You have spent 3021 Coins of War or Wisdom.
Andromeda’s Power
You have reached level x with the hero Andromeda.
You have reached level 3 with the hero Andromeda.
You have reached level 5 with the hero Andromeda.
You have reached level 10 with the hero Andromeda.
You have reached level 20 with the hero Andromeda.
Hector's Power
You have reached level x with the hero Hector.
You have reached level 3 with the hero Hector.
You have reached level 5 with the hero Hector.
You have reached level 10 with the hero Hector.
You have reached level 20 with the hero Hector.
Helen's Power
You have reached level x with the hero Helen.
You have reached level 3 with the hero Helen.
You have reached level 5 with the hero Helen.
You have reached level 10 with the hero Helen.
You have reached level 20 with the hero Helen.
Heracles' Power
You have reached level x with the hero Heracles.
You have reached level 3 with the hero Heracles.
You have reached level 5 with the hero Heracles.
You have reached level 10 with the hero Heracles.
You have reached level 20 with the hero Heracles.
Jason's Power
You have reached level x with the hero Jason.
You have reached level 3 with the hero Jason.
You have reached level 5 with the hero Jason.
You have reached level 10 with the hero Jason.
You have reached level 20 with the hero Jason.
Leonidas' Power
You have reached level x with the hero Leonidas.
You have reached level 3 with the hero Leonidas.
You have reached level 5 with the hero Leonidas.
You have reached level 10 with the hero Leonidas.
You have reached level 20 with the hero Leonidas.
Urephon's Power
You have reached level x with the hero Urephon.
You have reached level 3 with the hero Urephon.
You have reached level 5 with the hero Urephon.
You have reached level 10 with the hero Urephon.
You have reached level 20 with the hero Urephon.
Zuretha's Power
You have reached level x with the hero Zuretha.
You have reached level 3 with the hero Zuretha.
You have reached level 5 with the hero Zuretha.
You have reached level 10 with the hero Zuretha.
You have reached level 20 with the hero Zuretha.
Atalanta's Power
You have reached level x with the hero blubb.
You have reached level 3 with the hero Atalanta.
You have reached level 5 with the hero Atalanta.
You have reached level 10 with the hero Atalanta.
You have reached level 20 with the hero Atalanta.
Apheledes' Power
You have reached level x with the hero Apheledes.
You have reached level 3 with the hero Apheledes.
You have reached level 5 with the hero Apheledes.
You have reached level 10 with the hero Apheledes.
You have reached level 20 with the hero Apheledes.
Chiron's Power
You have reached level x with the hero Chiron.
You have reached level 3 with the hero Chiron.
You have reached level 5 with the hero Chiron.
You have reached level 10 with the hero Chiron.
You have reached level 20 with the hero Chiron.
Democritus' Power
You have reached level x with the hero Democritus.
You have reached level 3 with the hero Democritus.
You have reached level 5 with the hero Democritus.
You have reached level 10 with the hero Democritus.
You have reached level 20 with the hero Democritus.
Ferkyon's Power
You have reached level x with the hero Ferkyon.
You have reached level 3 with the hero Ferkyon.
You have reached level 5 with the hero Ferkyon.
You have reached level 10 with the hero Ferkyon.
You have reached level 20 with the hero Ferkyon.
Orpheus' Power
You have reached level x with the hero Orpheus.
You have reached level 3 with the hero Orpheus.
You have reached level 5 with the hero Orpheus.
You have reached level 10 with the hero Orpheus.
You have reached level 20 with the hero Orpheus.
Odysseus' Power
You have reached level x with the hero Odysseus.
You have reached level 3 with the hero Odysseus.
You have reached level 5 with the hero Odysseus.
You have reached level 10 with the hero Odysseus.
You have reached level 20 with the hero Odysseus.
Terylea's Power
You have reached level x with the hero Terylea.
You have reached level 3 with the hero Terylea.
You have reached level 5 with the hero Terylea.
You have reached level 10 with the hero Terylea.
You have reached level 20 with the hero Terylea.
Christopholus' Power
You have reached level x with the hero Christopholus.
You have reached level 3 with the hero Christopholus.
You have reached level 5 with the hero Christopholus.
You have reached level 10 with the hero Christopholus.
You have reached level 20 with the hero Christopholus.
Andromeda's Bounty
You have wounded the enemy hero Andromeda x times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Andromeda 1 time.
You have wounded the enemy hero Andromeda 10 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Andromeda 15 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Andromeda 25 times.
Hector's Bounty
You have wounded the enemy hero Hector x times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Hector 1 time.
You have wounded the enemy hero Hector 10 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Hector 15 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Hector 25 times.
Helen's Bounty
You have wounded the enemy hero Helen x times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Helen 1 time.
You have wounded the enemy hero Helen 10 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Helen 15 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Helen 25 times.
Heracles' Bounty
You have wounded the enemy hero Heracles x times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Heracles 1 time.
You have wounded the enemy hero Heracles 10 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Heracles 15 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Heracles 25 times.
Jason's Bounty
You have wounded the enemy hero Jason x times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Jason 1 time.
You have wounded the enemy hero Jason 10 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Jason 15 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Jason 25 times.
Christopholus' Bounty
You have wounded the enemy hero Christopholus x times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Christopholus 1 time.
You have wounded the enemy hero Christopholus 10 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Christopholus 15 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Christopholus 25 times.
Leonidas' Bounty
You have wounded the enemy hero Leonidas x times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Leonidas 1 time.
You have wounded the enemy hero Leonidas 10 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Leonidas 15 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Leonidas 25 times.
Urephon's Bounty
You have wounded the enemy hero Urephon x times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Urephon 1 time.
You have wounded the enemy hero Urephon 10 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Urephon 15 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Urephon 25 times.
Zuretha's Bounty
You have wounded the enemy hero Zuretha x times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Zuretha 1 time.
You have wounded the enemy hero Zuretha 10 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Zuretha 15 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Zuretha 25 times.
Atalanta's Bounty
You have wounded the enemy hero Atalanta x times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Atalanta 1 time.
You have wounded the enemy hero Atalanta 10 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Atalanta 15 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Atalanta 25 times.
Apheledes' Bounty
You have wounded the enemy hero Apheledes x times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Apheledes 1 time.
You have wounded the enemy hero Apheledes 10 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Apheledes 15 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Apheledes 25 times.
Chiron's Bounty
You have wounded the enemy hero Chiron x times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Chiron 1 time.
You have wounded the enemy hero Chiron 10 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Chiron 15 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Chiron 25 times.
Democritus' Bounty
You have wounded the enemy hero Democritus x times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Democritus 1 time.
You have wounded the enemy hero Democritus 10 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Democritus 15 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Democritus 25 times.
Ferkyon's Bounty
You have wounded the enemy hero Ferkyon x times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Ferkyon 1 time.
You have wounded the enemy hero Ferkyon 10 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Ferkyon 15 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Ferkyon 25 times.
Odysseus' Bounty
You have wounded the enemy hero Odysseus x times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Odysseus 1 time.
You have wounded the enemy hero Odysseus 10 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Odysseus 15 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Odysseus 25 times.
Orpheus' Bounty
You have wounded the enemy hero Orpheus x times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Orpheus 1 time.
You have wounded the enemy hero Orpheus 10 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Orpheus 15 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Orpheus 25 times.
Terylea's Bounty
You have wounded the enemy hero Terylea x times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Terylea 1 time.
You have wounded the enemy hero Terylea 10 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Terylea 15 times.
You have wounded the enemy hero Terylea 25 times.