Grepolympia de iarna

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Grepolimpiei de iarnă

Hei, zeița victoriei, anunță începutul Grepolimpiei de iarnă. Suntei pregătiți să câștigați în cele 4 noi competiții provocatoare și să o faceți mândră?

Traiti experienta jocurilor olimpice din Grecia antica prin intermediul Grepolympia. Exista patru evenimente organizate care se vor desfasura timp de 3 zile fiecare. La fiecare eveniment veti avea la dispozitie un atlet pe care sa il antrenati in fiecare zi si sa il inscrieti in competitii. Premiile pentru participare sunt laurii, acestia putand fi comercializati la Magazin pentru resurse in plus, puteri divine sau alte efecte. Cei mai buni atleti vor castiga efecte unice la finalul fiecarui eveniment. Pentru a fi cei mai buni si pentru a fi in top, trebuie ca atletii vostri sa invete abilitatile necesare pentru a castiga prin utilizarea punctelor de antrenamen


Zilele 1-3 Zilele 4-6 Zilele 7-9 Zilele 10-12
Wintergrepolympia shieldluge.png Sanie Wintergrepolympia biathlon.png Biathlon Wintergrepolympia figureskating.png 'Patinaj Artistic Wintergrepolympia skijumping.png Sărituri cu Schiurile


Pentru fiecare eveniment aveti la dispozitie un atlet pe care il puteti antrena. Pentru a face asta, aveti nevoie de unitati (terestre sau mitice). Puteti utiliza pentru antrenament orice tip de unitate terestra din orice oras dar atentie – unitatile folosite pentru antrenament vor disparea definitiv din orasul respectiv.

TBaza de Antrenament ofera doua spatii de antrenament gratuite si alte doua pot fi achizitionate pentru a cate 100 de monede de aur respectiv 200 de monede de aur. Aceste sloturi rămân active pentru toate disciplinele. Numărul de unități care pot fi instruite în fiecare slot este limitat, iar acest lucru duce la timpul de formare, acesta fiind de 1,5 ore pe slot.

Odata ce atletul a inceput antrenamentul acesta nu poate fi anulat si nu primiti trupele inapoi, deci ganditi-va bine inainte de a folosi o anumita unitate. Unitatile folosite pentru antrenament vor oferi atletului vostru puncte de antrenament, fiecare dintre ele oferind un o suma diferita de puncte

Tabelul de mai jos va ofera informatiile necesare despre fiecare unitate si punctele de antrenament primite in schimbul lor. De asemenea puteti folosi monede de aur pentru a permite atletului vostru sa se antreneze cu 20% mai eficient in termen de 12 de ore. Acest lucru va permite sa acumulati mai multe puncte de antrenament decat de obicei.

Unit Shield Luge Biathlon Figure Skating Ski Jumping All Competitions
Points/Unit Points/Unit Points/Unit Points/Unit Unit Limit/Slot
Sword 40x40.png 69 53 53 53 22
Slinger 40x40.png 58 70 75 58 20
Archer 40x40.png 58 75 58 58 20
Hoplite 40x40.png 80 67 67 67 18
Rider 40x40.png 213 213 256 234 6
Chariot 40x40.png 284 284 284 284 4
Divineenvoy.png 196 178 196 231 7
Uz1.png 2185 1986 1986 1986 1
Uz2.png 2223 2223 2223 2445 1
Up1.png 2147 2362 2147 2147 1
Uh1.png 1678 1678 1846 2014 1
Uh2.png 1768 1945 1768 1768 1
Ua1.png 1621 1945 1621 1621 1
Ua2.png 1805 1805 2166 2166 1
Uhades1.png 2383 1986 1986 1986 1
Uhades2.png 2223 2445 2223 2223 1
CalydonianBoar.jpg 1964 1785 1785 1785 1
Griffin.jpg 2119 2119 2331 2331 1
  • The values for training points are relative to the game speed (formula: training points/game speed).
  • The amount of units per training slot is also relative to game speed (formula: units*world speed).


There are 3 skills for each discipline which your athlete can learn. Your goal should be to gain as many skill points as quickly as possible and to distribute them amongst the different skills. This is the only way for your athlete to perform better. For every 1000 training points you will receive 1 skill point.

Event Shield Luge Biathlon Figure Skating Ski Jumping
Skill Sets Balance, Control, Speed Accuracy, Speed, Endurance Technique, Performance, Balance Technique, Speed, Focus
  • Note: As there is a different skill set for each discipline, the training points gained from each discipline will reset after the completion of the discipline.

If the distribution of your skill points is not working, you can reset them for 50 gold. This lets you find the optimum distribution of points to help your athlete reach the top of the table.


Your athlete can enter into a competition once every 12 hours. If you wish to use gold you can enter as often as you like, however, entry costs will increase with each entry. The outcome of the competition will depend on how many skill points you have allocated during training. You'll have to try your best to find the optimal combination.

Depending on how well your athlete performed in the competition, you will receive laurels as a reward. The laurels can be exchanged in the shop for various items. The table below shows how many laurels your athlete will receive based on their performance.

Laurels Shield Luge Biathlon Figure Skating Ski Jumping
40 0 - 574 m 0 - 499 pts 0 - 54 pts 0 - 25 m
50 575 - 674 m 500 - 849 pts 55 - 64 pts 26 - 31 m
55 675 - 774 m 850 - 1119 pts 65 - 74 pts 32 - 39 m
60 775 - 874 m 1120 - 1549 pts 75 - 79 pts 40 - 45 m
65 875 - 974 m 1550 - 1999 pts 80 - 89 pts 46 - 57 m
70 975 - 1074 m 2000 - 2349 pts 90 - 99 pts 58 - 67 m
80 1075+ m 2350+ pts 100+ pts 68+ m


The player ranking is based on the athlete's best result from the competitions, so each player will appear only once in the ranking.

For the alliance ranking, the results from the competitions for the ten best athletes of an alliance will be considered, and an average value will be calculated. In case there are less than 10 alliance members taking part in a discipline, each missing member will account for "0" points in the calculations.


In addition to the rewards alliances and players can receive, there are various awards that can be earned as well during the Games.

Player Rewards

Depending on the results of the competition, a player's athlete will earn a certain amount of laurels based on their performance. These laurels can then be exchanged in the shop for personal reward items.

Alliance Rewards

At the end of each discipline, the top 10 alliances will receive an 'effect' as a reward. This effect is tied to membership within the alliance. When joining or leaving the alliance, the effect is thus activated or deactivated respectively. The strength, or intensity, of this effect will depend on where the alliance places in the rankings. Duration: 14 Days from the enactment of the reward.

Event Reward Effect
Shield Luge Olympic torch.png

The Olympic Torch

Grants up to +20% defensive bonus in all cities

Gründer.png1st Place: 20%

Gründer.png2nd Place: 15%

Gründer.png3rd Place: 10%

Gründer.png4-10th Places: 5%

Biathlon Olympic acumen.png

Olympic Senses

Grants up to +40% battle points

Gründer.png1st Place: 40%

Gründer.png2nd Place: 30%

Gründer.png3rd Place: 20%

Gründer.png4-10th Places: 10%

Figure Skating Olympic merchant.png

Olympic Merchant

Grants up to +40% resource production

Gründer.png1st Place: 40%

Gründer.png2nd Place: 30%

Gründer.png3rd Place: 20%

Gründer.png4-10th Places: 10%

Sky Jumping Olympic sword.png

The Olympic Sword

Grants up to +20% attack strength, land or naval

Gründer.png1st Place: 20%

Gründer.png2nd Place: 15%

Gründer.png3rd Place: 10%

Gründer.png4-10th Places: 5%


After your athlete begins to earn laurels, you can take them to the shop and exchange them for the various items listed below:

Item Price Description
Unit training boost archer.png

Archer Reinforcement V

30 Laurels Your city will continuously receive Archers
Unit training boost hoplite.png

Hoplite Reinforcement V

30 Laurels Your city will continuously receive Hoplites
Unit training boost sword.png

Swordsman Reinforcement V

30 Laurels Your city will continuously receive Swordsmen.
Instant resources all.png

Mixed Resource Package

30 Laurels The gods grant you some resources.

Your currently selected town will instantly receive wood, stone, and silver coins.

Unit training boost attack ship.png

Light Ship Reinforcement IV

35 Laurels Your city will continuously receive Light Ships.
Unit training boost bireme.png

Bireme Reinforcement V

35 Laurels Your city will continuously receive Biremes.
Unit movement boost1.png

Improved troop movement X

100 Laurels Units from your city are traveling faster than usual.
Longterm defense boost.png

Tyche’s Encouragement I

100 Laurels Tyche animates your troops to defend your city with a vengeance.

Defending units in the city are 5% more efficient for 7 days.

Longterm attack boost.png

Tyche’s Enlightenment I

100 Laurels Tyche ignites the inner flame of your troops.

Attacking units in the city are 10% more efficient for 7 days.

Longterm festival resource boost.png

Tyche’s Celebration of Joy I

100 Laurels Tyche lifts the morale and evokes the joy of living amongst your people.

The cost of city festivals is reduced by 20% for 7 days.

Unit training boost harpy.png

Harpy Reinforcement IV

150 Laurels Your city will continuously receive Harpies.
Unit training boost manticore.png

Manticore Reinforcement I

150 Laurels Your city will continuously receive Manticores.
Unit training boost fury.png

Eriny Reinforcement I

150 Laurels Your city will continuously receive Erinys.
Shopitem grepolympia effect population boost.png

Great Land Expansion

500 Laurels 100 extra population will be permanently available in your town.

Limit: 300 population per city


Heightened Senses

500 Laurels Preternatural energy flows through the bodies of your troops, giving them particularly keen senses for the following hours.

The battle points you receive will be multiplied by 2 for the next 12 hours. This effect is applied to all of your cities.

After the Grepolympia ends

If you still have laurel leaves left over at the end of the Grepolympia, don't worry because you can still spend your remaining laurels for a little while afterwards! The shop will remain open for 2 days after the event has ended to give you time to decide which items you want to buy.