Schimb de aur

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Utilizați Schimbul de monede pentru a cumpăra și vinde resurse pentru aur. Bursa de Aur inlocuieste functia noastra Comerț cu monede mai veche, dar mai degraba decat sa se bazeze pe jucatorii care isi fac meseria reciproca, Schimbul de monede creeaza o piata de aur centralizata pentru fiecare ocean, asigurandu-va ca resursele sunt intotdeauna disponibile pentru dvs. daca doriti!

Cum functioneaza Schimbul de aur?

In the Gold Exchange you are able to buy and sell resources for Gold. The prices offered will vary based on how much stock there is of the resource you're trying to buy or sell. When someone sells a resource the amount sold goes into the stock in exchange for Gold. With this transaction, the overall stock for that resource increases, and the price to buy drops as a result. When someone purchases a resource the amount is deducted from the stock and sent to the player, the Gold is then deducted from them, and as a result, the cost to buy this resource increases as the stock is less available.


Gold Exchange is available in your market from level 3 onward.

Exchange Stock - The Exchange Stock value is the current amount of a resource in stock. The stock increases every time someone sells this resource to the Gold Exchange (unless the stock is at max capacity), and decreases every time that someone buys this resource in exchange for Gold (unless there is not enough stock available).

Exchange Capacity - Each resource type (silver, wood, and stone) has a maximum cap for stock within the Gold Exchange. Once this maximum is reached, you can't sell any more of this resource until the stock falls below the maximum cap, by someone purchasing the stock for Gold. However, this cap will fluctuate over time based on the Gold Exchange's use. More details on this fluctuation can be found in the section for Taxation and Growth below.

Exchange Rate - This shows the current rate for purchasing a resource. This rate will constantly fluctuate based on what is available for purchase. The costs of buying and selling will adjust to ensure that the best rates are available when using the exchange. This change may even be noticed by you when you are looking at an offer, as the price could adjust whilst you are making a transaction in the final confirmation screen. Don't worry, you will always know what you are going to get before you commit.

Cumpararea de resurse pentru Monede

To access the Gold Exchange, open your Marketplace from your city view, and then click on the Gold Exchange tab. The window will open on the "Buy resources" and enter the amount of a resource you want to purchase. Below the input fields, you will see an estimation of the Gold cost. Click on "Find best rates"and you will then be presented with a window which confirms what you will receive, and how much Gold it will cost to complete the transaction. Click on "Confirm order" to purchase the resources.


You can only trade one resource type at a time. For example, you can't choose to buy 1000 Wood as well as 1000 Stone in the same transaction, as the rates for each resource are different.

Cumpararea de resurse pentru Monede

To access the Gold Exchange, open your Marketplace from your city view, and then click on the Gold Exchange tab. Once in this window, select "Sell resources" and enter the amount of a resource you want to sell. Below the input fields, you will see an estimation of how much Gold you will receive for your sale. This value isn't locked in until you click on "Find best rates". You will then be presented with a window which confirms how much Gold you will receive for the transaction. Click on "Confirm order" to sell the resources.


You can only trade one resource type at a time. For example, you can't choose to sell 1000 Wood as well as 1000 Stone in the same transaction, as the rates for each resource are different.

Timpul de călătorie pentru comerțului

Odată ce comanda dvs. este confirmată, resursele vor fi trimise de la Bursa de monede. Rețineți că aceste resurse nu sunt trimise instantaneu și trebuie să așteptați ca acestea să fie livrate la fel ca orice livrare obișnuită.


Impozitarea și creșterea economică

Atunci când cumpără resurse de la Bursă, o mică parte din venituri va fi pusă deoparte automat pentru a-și crește capacitatea pentru resursele tranzacționate. În fiecare zi, Schimburile pe alte oceane se vor schimba, de asemenea, în jurul capacității și stocurilor pentru a atenua diferențele dintre ratele de tranzacționare. Ce înseamnă în practică, că schimburile de aur care văd o mulțime de activități vor contribui la alimentarea schimburilor cu o utilizare mai scăzută, pentru a îmbunătăți producția mai mică a bursei. Acest lucru ajută la promovarea creșterii pe lume, pe măsură ce aceasta se extinde natural.