These awards are from past events and can no longer be obtained. They are worth Grepo Score points to those that completed them. A table with the point values can be found here.
Paste 2011
Acest medalii sunt câștigate prin participarea la Paste 2011.
Nivel I
Nivel II
Nivel III
Nivel IV
Iepurașul de Paște
Gasiți toate ouale
Halloween 2011
Aceste medalii le obțineți daca participați la evenimentul de Halloween.
Nivel I
Nivel II
Nivel III
Nivel IV
Colector de dovleac
Colectază 20 de dovleci
Colectază 50 de dovleci
Colectază 90 de dovleci
Colectază 130 de dovleci
Vânator de dovleci
Colectrează 10 dovleci în mai ăuțin de 60 de secunde
Recompenă EvenimentHalloween
Să vă logați la evenimentul Halloween 2011
Advent Calendar 2011
Acestă medalie este câștigată prin participarea la Advent Calendar.
Nivel I
Nivel II
Nivel III
Nivel IV
Medalie Advent Calendar
Gasiți toate cadourile.
Paște 2012
Acestă medalie este câștigată prin participarea la evenimentul de Paști.
Nivel I
Nivel II
Nivel III
Nivel IV
Iepurasul de Paste
Pentru a recunoaste realizarile jucatorilor care au participat la prima editie anuala a Jocurilor Grepolympice, mai multe medalii sunt disponibile pentru cei destul de norocosi sa se situeze printre primii in clasamentul olimpiadei. Primul tip de medalii este bazat pe acest clasament.
Nivel I
Nivel II
Nivel III
Nivel IV
Hoplit atletic
Va situati printre primii 500. Locul dvs in clasament:
Locul 1
Locul 2
Locul 3
Locurile de la 4 la 500
Arcas Atletic
Va situati printre primii 500. Locul dvs in clasament:
Locul 1
Locul 2
Locul 3
Locurile de la 4 la 500
Aruncator de sulita atletic
Va situati printre primii 500. Locul dvs in clasament:
Locul 1
Locul 2
Locul 3
Locurile de la 4 la 500
Alergator cu carul de lupta atletic
Va situati printre primii 500. Locul dvs in clasament:
Locul 1
Locul 2
Locul 3
Locurile de la 4 la 500
Al doilea tip de medalii obtinute sunt pentru antrenarea atletilor in cea mai buna conditie pentru a obtine cele mai bune rezultate in competitii.
Nivel I
Nivel II
Nivel III
Nivel IV
Hoplit Antrenat
Medalie acordata pentru punctele de antrenament
5 Puncte de antrenament
10 Puncte de antrenament
20 Puncte de antrenament
35 Puncte de antrenament
Arcas antrenat
Medalie acordata pentru punctele de antrenament
5 Puncte de antrenament
10 Puncte de antrenament
20 Puncte de antrenament
35 Puncte de antrenament
Aruncator cu sulita antrenat
Medalie acordata pentru punctele de antrenament
5 Puncte de antrenament
10 Training Points
20 Puncte de antrenament
35 Puncte de antrenament
Alergator cu carul de lupta antrenat
Medalie acordata pentru punctele de antrenament
5 Puncte de antrenament
10 Puncte de antrenament
20 Puncte de antrenament
35 Puncte de antrenament
Oktoberfest 2012
Acestă medalie este câștigată prin participarea la Oktoberfest prin producția de bere.
Nivel I
Nivel II
Nivel III
Nivel IV
Ai produs 250 de litrii de bere
Ai produs 750 de litrii de bere
Ai produs 2000 de litrii de bere
Ai produs 4000 de litrii de bere
Halloween 2012
Aceste medalii le obțineți daca participați la evenimentul de Halloween.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Colector de dovleac
Colectează 20 de dovleci.
Colectează 50 de dovleci
Colectează 90 de dovleci.
Colectează 130 de dovleci.
Vânator de dovleci
Colecteaza 10 dovleci în mai puțin de 60 de secunde
Este Halloween
Ai participat la evenimentul Halloween 2012 .
Advent Calendar 2012
Acestă medalie este câștigată prin participarea la Advent Calendar.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Colector de cadouri
Colectează un cadou.
Colecteaza 6 cadouri.
Colecteaza 14 cadouri
Colecteaza 24 de cadouri
Evenimetul de Paste 2013
Aceste medalii sunt obtinute prin participarea la Evenimentul de Paste 2013
Nivel I
Nivel II
Nivel III
Nivel IV
Ati hranit gaina de 50 de ori
Ati hranit gaina de 100 de ori
Ati hranit gaina de 200 de ori
Ati hranit gaina de 400 de ori
Grepolympia 2013
Pentru a recunoaste realizarile jucatorilor care au participat la prima editie anuala a Jocurilor Grepolympice 2013, mai multe medalii sunt disponibile pentru cei destul de norocosi sa se situeze printre primii in clasamentul olimpiadei. Primul tip de medalii este bazat pe acest clasament.
Nivel I
Nivel II
Nivel III
Nivel IV
Hoplit atletic
Va situati printre primii 500. Locul dvs in clasament:
Locul 1
Locul 2
Locul 3
Locurile de la 4 la 500
Arcas Atletic
Va situati printre primii 500. Locul dvs in clasament:
Locul 1
Locul 2
Locul 3
Locurile de la 4 la 500
Aruncator de sulita atletic
Va situati printre primii 500. Locul dvs in clasament:
Locul 1
Locul 2
Locul 3
Locurile de la 4 la 500
Alergator cu carul de lupta atletic
Va situati printre primii 500. Locul dvs in clasament:
Locul 1
Locul 2
Locul 3
Locurile de la 4 la 500
Al doilea tip de medalii obtinute sunt pentru antrenarea atletilor in cea mai buna conditie pentru a obtine cele mai bune rezultate in competitii.
Nivel I
Nivel II
Nivel III
Nivel IV
Hoplit Antrenat
Medalie acordata pentru punctele de antrenament
5 Puncte de antrenament
10 Puncte de antrenament
20 Puncte de antrenament
35 Puncte de antrenament
Arcas antrenat
Medalie acordata pentru punctele de antrenament
5 Puncte de antrenament
10 Puncte de antrenament
20 Puncte de antrenament
35 Puncte de antrenament
Aruncator cu sulita antrenat
Medalie acordata pentru punctele de antrenament
5 Puncte de antrenament
10 Training Points
20 Puncte de antrenament
35 Puncte de antrenament
Alergator cu carul de lupta antrenat
Medalie acordata pentru punctele de antrenament
5 Puncte de antrenament
10 Puncte de antrenament
20 Puncte de antrenament
35 Puncte de antrenament
Halloween 2013
Aceste medalii le obțineți daca participați la evenimentul de Halloween 2013.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Creați un amestec.
Creați 5 amestecuri.
Creați 20 amestecuris.
Creați 45 de amestecuri.
Găsiți o rețetă.
Găsiți 5 rețete.
Găsiți 10 rețete.
Găsiți 20 rețete.
Tyche's Calendar 2013
Aceste medalii sunt obtinute cu ocazia evenimentului de Craciun 2013.
Nivel I
Nivel II
Nivel III
Nivel IV
Favoritul lui Tyche
Ati invartit o data roata
Ati invartit de 5 ori roata
Ati invartit de 10 ori roata
Ati invartit de 24 de ori roata
Găina lui Jason 2014
Aceste medalii sunt câștigate prin participarea la evenimentul găină lui Jason
Nivel I
Nivel II
Nivel III
Nivel IV
Prieten cu găină
Găina lui Jason a facut un ou.
Găina lui Jason a făcut 5 ouă.
Găina lui Jason a făcut 20 de ouă.
Găina lui Jason a făcut 40 de ouă
Paște coloratr
Găina lui Jason a facut un ou colorat.
'Găina lui Jason a făcut 2 ouă colorate.
Găina lui Jason a făcut 3 ouă colorate.
Găina lui Jason a făcut 4 ouă colorate.
Fierăria lui Hephaestus 2014
Aceste medalii sunt câțtigate la evenimentul Fierăria lui Hephaestus 2014
Nivel I
Nivel II
Nivel III
Nivel IV
Fierărie Divină
Ați investit o sferă divina
Ați investit 15 sfere divine
'Ați investit 40 sfere divine
'Ați investit 70 sfere divine
Cucerire Persană 2014
Aceste medalii sunt câțtigate la evenimentul Cucerire Persană 2014
Nivel I
Nivel II
Nivel III
Nivel IV
Nivel V
Poziția Alianțelor
Alianța ta este pe peima pozișie.
Alianța ta este pe poziția a doua
Alianța ta este pe poziția a treia.
Alianța ta este pe poziția a patra.
Alianța ta este pe poziția a cincea sau mai jos.
Halloween 2014
Aceste medalii le obțineți daca participați la evenimentul de Halloween2014.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Stăpânul Elementelor
'Creați un amestec.
Creați 5 amestecuri.
Creați 20 amestecuri.
Creați 45 amestecuri.
Stăpânul Experimentelor
Căsiți o rețetă.
Căsiți 5 rețete.
Căsiți 10 rețete.
Căsiți 20 rețete.
Tyche's Advent Calendar 2014
Aceste medalii sunt obtinute cu ocazia evenimentului Tyche's Advent Calendar 2014.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Comandant norocos
Învărte roata lui Tyche o dată.
Învărte roata lui Tyche de 5 ori.
Învărte roata lui Tyche de 10 ori.
Învărte roata lui Tyche 24 de ori.
Thessalonike the Mermaid 2015
This award is earned by participating in Thessalonike the Mermaid 2015 (Valentine's Day).
Battle of Troy 2015
These awards are earned by participating in the Battle of Troy 2015 event.
The Mythical Hen 2015
These awards are earned by participating in the Easter 2015 event.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Egg Crusher of the Day
Be ranked #1 in the world for harmony points.
Egg Master 2015
Be ranked #4 overall for harmony points.
Be ranked #3 overall for harmony points.
Be ranked #2 overall for harmony points.
Be ranked #1 overall for harmony points.
Hen Whisperer
Create one reward.
Create five rewards.
Create twenty-five rewards.
Create fifty rewards.
Elemental Analyst
Find one recipe.
Find ten recipes.
Find twenty-five recipes.
Find fifty recipes.
Commander of Rome 2015
These awards are earned by participating in the Commander of Rome 2015 event.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Be ranked #1 in the world for honor points.
Heroic Commander 2015
Be ranked #4 overall for honor points.
Be ranked #3 overall for honor points.
Be ranked #2 overall for honor points.
Be ranked #1 overall for honor points.
Crusher of Legions
Kill 250 units.
Kill 1,500 units.
Kill 5,000 units.
Kill 10,000 units.
Captured Standards
Clear three stages.
Clear eight stages.
Clear twenty stages.
Clear fifty stages.
Commander of Legions
Command 50 soldiers.
Command 200 soldiers.
Command 500 soldiers.
Command 1200 soldiers.
Spartan Assassins 2015
These awards are earned by participating in the Spartan Assassins 2015 event.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Master Assassin
Be ranked #1 in the world for honor points.
Master Collector
Be the first in a world to complete a collection.
Cavalry Collection
Complete the cavalry collection.
Legionary Collection
Complete the legionary collection.
Sapper Collection
Complete the sapper collection
Legionnaire Assassin
Shoot 10 legionary targets.
Shoot 25 legionary targets.
Shoot 55 legionary targets.
Shoot 90 legionary targets.
Cavalry Assassin
Shoot 10 cavalry targets.
Shoot 25 cavalry targets.
Shoot 55 cavalry targets.
Shoot 90 cavalry targets.
Sapper Assassin
Shoot 10 Sapper targets.
Shoot 25 Sapper targets.
Shoot 55 Sapper targets.
Shoot 90 Sapper targets.
Halloween 2015
These awards are earned by participating in the Halloween 2015 event.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Master Conjurer
Be ranked #1 for daily blood points.
Grand Master 2015
Be ranked #4 overall.
Be ranked #3 overall.
Be ranked #2 overall.
Be ranked #1 overall.
Dark Conjurer
Perform 1 incantation.
Perform 5 incantations.
Perform 25 incantations.
Perform 50 incantations.
Dark Scribe
Find 1 incantations.
Find 5 incantations.
Find 25 incantations.
Find 50 incantations.
Tyche's Advent Calendar 2015
These awards are earned by participating in the Tyche's Advent Calendar 2015 event.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
All the Crystals
Obtain all five crystals.
Lucky Winter Fun
Spin Tyche's wheel one time.
Spin Tyche's wheel five times.
Spin Tyche's wheel ten times.
Spin Tyche's wheel twenty-four times.
In Demeter's Name 2016
These awards are earned by participating in Demeter 2016.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Master Innkeeper
Be ranked #1 for daily hospitality points.
Fresh Meat!
Serve 3 skewers in a row.
Serve 3 red wines in a row.
Fed them all
Serve every guest.
Land of Milk and Honey
Serve every possible meal.
Lord of the Innkeepers 2016
Be ranked #4 for overall hospitality points.
Be ranked #3 for overall hospitality points.
Be ranked #2 for overall hospitality points.
Be ranked #1 for overall hospitality points.
Feeding the Poor
Serve 1 meal.
Serve 5 meals.
Serve 25 meals.
Serve 50 meals.
Most Creative Cook
Discover 1 meal.
Discover 5 meals.
Discover 25 meals.
Discover 50 meals.
Thessalonike the Mermaid 2016
This award is earned by participating in Thessalonike the Mermaid 2016 (Valentine's Day).
Trial of the Slingers 2016
These awards are earned by participating in Trial of the Slingers 2016 (Easter).
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Master Slinger
Be ranked #1 for daily honor points
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Award is given to the first player that completes a collection in a world
High Accuracy White
Shoot 10 pieces of white pottery
Shoot 25 pieces of white pottery
Shoot 55 pieces of white pottery
Shoot 90 pieces of white pottery
White Egg Collection 2016
Complete the white egg collection
High Accuracy Orange
Shoot 10 pieces of orange pottery
Shoot 25 pieces of orange pottery
Shoot 55 pieces of orange pottery
Shoot 90 pieces of orange pottery
Orange Egg Collection 2016
Complete the orange egg collection
High Accuracy Yellow
Shoot 10 pieces of yellow pottery
Shoot 25 pieces of yellow pottery
Shoot 55 pieces of yellow pottery
Shoot 90 pieces of yellow pottery
Yellow Egg Collection 2016
Complete the yellow egg collection
Natures' Wheel of Time 2016
These awards are earned by participating in Natures' Wheel of Time 2016.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Nature's Gift
Collect all sacred branches
Turning Back Time
Spin the wheel 3 times
Spin the wheel 6 times
Spin the wheel 12 times
Spin the wheel 24 times
Hades Portal 2016
This award is earned by participating in Hades Portal 2016.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Portal Destruction
Destroy the portal
Sparta vs Hades 2016
These awards are earned by participating in Sparta vs Hades 2016.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Redeemer of the Dead
Kill 2,500 units
Kill 15,000 units
Kill 50,000 units
Kill 100,000 units
Battleground Strategist
Clear 3 battlegrounds
Clear 8 battlegrounds
Clear 20 battlegrounds
Clear 50 battlegrounds
Commander of Spartans
Command 500 soldiers
Command 2,000 soldiers
Command 5,000 soldiers
Command 12,000 soldiers
Living Legend
Have the most combat points in the daily event ranking.
Heroic Spartan
Be ranked #4 at the end of the event
Be ranked #3 at the end of the event
Be ranked #2 at the end of the event
Be ranked #1 at the end of the event
Halloween 2016
These awards are earned by participating in the 2016 Halloween Event.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Master Conjurer
Be ranked #1 for daily blood points.
Grand Master 2016
Be ranked #4 overall.
Be ranked #3 overall.
Be ranked #2 overall.
Be ranked #1 overall.
Dark Conjurer 2016
Perform 1 incantation.
Perform 5 incantations.
Perform 25 incantations.
Perform 50 incantations.
Dark Scribe 2016
Find 1 incantations.
Find 5 incantations.
Find 25 incantations.
Find 50 incantations.
Bloody Glance 2016
Sacrifice only rubies three times in a row
Present of the Dead 2016
Sacrifice only cyclops skulls three times in a row
Occult Knowledge 2016
Perform all possible incantations
Grepolympic Awards
To recognize the achievements of players in the Grepolympia 2016, various awards are available to be won by those lucky enough to place well in the games. The first type of award is based on ranking in the events.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Athletic Hoplite Racer
You made it into the top 500. Your rank:
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th - 500th Place
Athletic Archer
You made it into the top 500. Your rank:
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th - 500th Place
Athletic Javelin Thrower
You made it into the top 500. Your rank:
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th - 500th Place
Chariot Race
You made it into the top 500. Your rank:
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th - 500th Place
The second type of award is for training your athletes to the best possible condition in order to compete at top form in the events.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Trained Hoplite
Award for earning training points
Reach level 5
Reach level 15
Reach level 35
Reach level 65
Trained Archer
Award for earning training points
Reach level 5
Reach level 15
Reach level 35
Reach level 65
Trained Javelin Thrower
Award for earning training points
Reach level 5
Reach level 15
Reach level 35
Reach level 65
Trained Chariot Racer
Award for earning training points
Reach level 5
Reach level 15
Reach level 35
Reach level 65
Tyche's Advent Calendar 2016
These awards are earned by participating in the Tyche's Advent Calendar 2016 event.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
All the Crystals
Obtain all five crystals.
Lucky Winter Fun
Spin Tyche's wheel one time.
Spin Tyche's wheel five times.
Spin Tyche's wheel ten times.
Spin Tyche's wheel twenty-four times.
Demeter 2017
These awards are earned by participating in Demeter 2017.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Master Innkeeper
Be ranked #1 for daily hospitality points.
Fresh Meat!
Serve 3 skewers in a row.
Serve 3 red wines in a row.
Fed them all
Serve every guest.
Land of Milk and Honey
Serve every possible meal.
Lord of the Innkeepers 2017
Be ranked #4 for overall hospitality points.
Be ranked #3 for overall hospitality points.
Be ranked #2 for overall hospitality points.
Be ranked #1 for overall hospitality points.
Feeding the Poor
Serve 1 meal.
Serve 5 meals.
Serve 25 meals.
Serve 50 meals.
Most Creative Cook
Discover 1 meal.
Discover 5 meals.
Discover 25 meals.
Discover 50 meals.
Trial of the Slingers 2017
These awards are earned by participating in Trial of the Slingers 2017 (Easter).
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Master Slinger
Be ranked #1 for daily honor points
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Award is given to the first player that completes a collection in a world
High Accuracy White
Shoot 10 pieces of white pottery
Shoot 25 pieces of white pottery
Shoot 55 pieces of white pottery
Shoot 90 pieces of white pottery
White Egg Collection 2017
Complete the white egg collection
High Accuracy Orange
Shoot 10 pieces of orange pottery
Shoot 25 pieces of orange pottery
Shoot 55 pieces of orange pottery
Shoot 90 pieces of orange pottery
Orange Egg Collection 2017
Complete the orange egg collection
High Accuracy Yellow
Shoot 10 pieces of yellow pottery
Shoot 25 pieces of yellow pottery
Shoot 55 pieces of yellow pottery
Shoot 90 pieces of yellow pottery
Yellow Egg Collection 2017
Complete the yellow egg collection
Natures' Wheel of Time 2017
These awards are earned by participating in Natures' Wheel of Time 2017.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Nature's Gift
Collect all sacred branches
Turning Back Time
Spin the wheel 3 times
Spin the wheel 6 times
Spin the wheel 12 times
Spin the wheel 24 times
Sparta vs Hades 2017
Aceste medalii sunt obtinute cu ocazia evenimentului Sparta vs Hades 2017.
Nivel I
Nivel II
Nivel III
Nivel IV
Izbăvitorul morților
Ucide 2.500 de unități
Ucide 15000 de unități
Ucide 50000 de unități
Ucide 100000 de unități
Strateg pe câmpul de luptă
Clear 3 battlegrounds
Clear 8 battlegrounds
Clear 20 battlegrounds
Clear 50 battlegrounds
Comandant de spartani
Command 500 soldiers
Command 2,000 soldiers
Command 5,000 soldiers
Command 12,000 soldiers
Legendă vie
Have the most combat points in the daily event ranking.
Spartan eroic
Be ranked #4 at the end of the event
Be ranked #3 at the end of the event
Be ranked #2 at the end of the event
Be ranked #1 at the end of the event
Grepolympic de iarnă
Să recunoască realizările jucătorilor din Grepolympia de Iarnă, numeroase medalii sunt disponibile pentru a fi câștigat de cei care au norocul să se claseze bine în discipline. Primul tip de medalii se bazează pe clasarea disciplinelor.
Nivel I
Nivel II
Nivel III
Nivel IV
Conducător de sanie atletic
Ai fost în top 500. Clasamentul tău:
Primul loc
Locul 2
locul 3
Locurile 4-500
Biatlet atletic
Ai fost în top 500. Clasamentul tău:
Primul loc
Locul 2
Locul 3
Locurile 4-500
Patinator atletic
Ai fost în top 500. Clasamentul tău:
Primul loc
Locul 2
Locul 3
Locurile 4-500
Săritor cu schiurile atletic
Ai fost în top 500. Clasamentul tău:
Primul loc
Locul 2
Locul 3
Locurile 4-500
Al doilea tip de medalii obtinute sunt pentru antrenarea atletilor in cea mai buna conditie pentru a obtine cele mai bune rezultate in competitii.
Nivel I
Nivel II
Nivel III
Nivel IV
Conducator sanie antrenat
Medalie acordata pentru punctele de antrenament
5 Puncte de antrenament
10 Puncte de antrenament
20 Puncte de antrenament
35 Puncte de antrenament
Biatlet antrenat
Medalie acordata pentru punctele de antrenament
5 Puncte de antrenament
10 Puncte de antrenament
20 Puncte de antrenament
35 Puncte de antrenament
Patinator antrenat
Medalie acordata pentru punctele de antrenament
5 Puncte de antrenament
10 Puncte de antrenament
20 Puncte de antrenament
35 Puncte de antrenament
Săritor schiurile antrenat
Medalie acordata pentru punctele de antrenament
5 Puncte de antrenament
10 Puncte de antrenament
20 Puncte de antrenament
35 Puncte de antrenament